Chapter 15: Mesmerized

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There's something about falling in love.

Hanni doesn't know how to explain the feeling because her brain over complicates things leaving her in a pile of mush, staring up at her ceiling blankly.

If she was to type out how she feels being next to Minji, past Hanni probably would've faked a hurl. Truthfully, the brunette isn't sure there's enough words in the word to explain how much she's in love with Kim Minji.

Kim Minji has seen the parts of her she's never shown anybody. Not even Hikaru or Danielle. It isn't easy for her to be vulnerable-when she's does, there isn't a way to control it.

Maybe it's because Minji makes it okay to seem weak sometimes. Hanni's pride is one she holds proudly, letting it go for even a moment used to feel so wrong. She never realized that it blinded her at times, resulting in hurtful words toward people who never deserved it.

With knees pressing against each other, it's simple to strip down her walls, showing just her. Minji holds her together when nobody's around.

'Open your heart up'

'Hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else'

'Cause I love you just how you are'

'And hope you never find out who I really am'

'Cause you'll never love me, you'll never love me, you'll never love me'

She's still scarred somewhere, scared that one day , the cracks that seep will eat her up and she'll become someone she's not.

Now, she's not so afraid.

"Earth to Hanni?"

The brunette blinks, sitting up. "Sorry." She mumbles, rubbing at her eyes.

She's exhausted, in the late fall. In the winter, trials would be coming up, and studying for exams while interning at Kim Law Firm made her realize how much she should start cherishing full sessions of sleep.

Not that it's hard to juggle all of them, she has friends who can help her understand materials for certain classes in study groups. Interning isn't as hard as she thought, considering she understands most of the things explained and picks up on new concepts easily. What she's worried about the most is, of course-


Being fast enough in the city isn't enough to cut it. She's going to be going up against other swimmers from different countries and cities. The nerves can't be helped.

"You do that face when you're anxious." Gyuvin points finger at her.

Hanni slaps his hand down, letting a breath out. She pushes her glasses up her nose, scanning the screen for the topic they're going over. 'Theory of computation'-

Yeah, she's going back to blanking out.

Before she can, Gyuvin taps the girl. "Oh no, no, no. You need to catch me up on some things." He reminds her, causing her to groan.

Hanni thinks for a moment. "You already know I'm dating Minji, I got an invitation to the trials, I'm doing an internship that gives me a lot of money-" The brunet swings his hands, causing the brunette to immediately pause in her words.

Gyuvin takes a breath. "You got invited to the trials?" He says each word slowly.

Hanni clamps her hand over his mouth before the boy can scream. "Yes, me and Minji did." Hanni replies, removing her hand from the boy's mouth.

The boy widely smiles. "Hanni, that's great? You've been waiting for this whole moment your whole life. I'm so proud of you." He pulls her into a hug.

The brunette takes in the gentle hold, wanting to just sink into the boy's arms.

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