Chapter 4: As you experience this feeling of alignment and therefore worthiness

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Author's Notes: Strap in because whew it's a long one


The bus ride to the swim meet is loud and lengthy.

Like always, Hanni leans her head against the window, watching the cars that pass by swiftly. Her AirPods are on medium to max volume, attempting to block out everything that can possibly break her train of seamless thoughts. Luckily, her seat mate doesn't bother her.

Perhaps this swim meet is going to be different from the others. She's worked too hard for nothing to change. She's even exhausted herself over it, scared her teammates due to it.

Deep in her mind, she begs for what Danielle promised her to come quickly so she can atleast have a peace of mind to know that she's tried her best by utilizing it.

She's spoken exactly one word, which was a greeting and hasn't said anything since. To her team, it's normal, as Hanni usually becomes a lot focused before swim meets. Her head spirals with what to do, what technique is that fastest sand how to maintain her breathing.

She feels a nudge on her arm, causing for her to look up.

Jake grins. "What are you thinking so hard about at 10am in the morning?" He asks, shifting in his seat to pay more attention to his sister.

Hanni pulls one AirPod from her ear, letting out a sigh. "Nothing, just swim. You know how I am before meets." She turns her head, leaning against the window.

Jake simply nods, although the look on his face tells Hanni that she's yet to answer his question. Lifting his chin up, Jake crosses his arms sternly.

"Something is bothering you."

"There isn't." Hanni immediately replies, closing her eyes in frustration.

The blonde haired boy leans his head on the seat in front of him. "You know, I don't think you'll ever get good at lying." He mutters, earning a flick from the brunette.

He rubs his forehead in pain. "Hanni, seriously?" He whines almost too loudly.

His sister rubs his forehead gently, silently apologizing. "Sorry." She mumbles, a sad smile on her lips.

Jake's eyebrow raises. "See, that's what I mean. You won't usually feel bad. What's up with you?"

Dropping her hand, she folds her fingers into her lap. She almost gets distracted for a moment. She can't let that happen.

They reach a speed bump, a sign that they're approaching the aquatic center.

"There's nothing wrong, Jake. Don't worry about me." She ensures him, going back to looking out the window.


It was easy to say, so Hanni kept along with it. At the end of the day, it is to be tucked back in the back of her mind, led to be shined on for another day. Inevitable, she likes to call it.

Like usual, the mixed air in the natatorium is chilling, sending her nervousness spiraling in an all new high. And to make matters worse, her heat for the individual 200 meter medley usually approaches fast. To put a rest to her nerves, she grips at her sweatpants, trying to ease the feeling she feels whenever she enters the natatorium.

First, she watches Danielle and Haerin participate in their individual 100 meter backstroke heats. She trusts the both of them to do well, as they're the best and fastest at backstrokes out of the whole team.

Behind her, the rest of the team discuss their techniques for their events while Hanni focuses carefully on the movements Haerin performs. The girl's movements are swift and fast, the brunette thinks she is in someway, elegant as she swims.

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