Chapter 5: Utter words of fondness

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Routine has always been Hanni's golden rule.

After breaking a world record, the feeling is still there, lingering throughout her body. For the first time in a long while, she doesn't wake up to screaming and banging. She inquires that exhaustion from the past events has seem to taken over everyone.

Rubbing her eyes, Hanni stretches her body, mumbling under her breath about having the best sleep in a while on the bus ride back home. She'd have to ask what happened on their way back later.

She looks to the side, seeing her two current medals and a note on her dresser table. It's a slumping movement to reach at the note, fingers pushing at the bridge of her glasses to fix them and be able to see better.

You sure are a deep sleeper, loser. Congratulations, my vice captain❤️

Hanni snorts, crumbling the paper and throwing it to wherever it could've landed. She really has no idea who her seat-mate was on the ride back home. Not that she cared anyways.

She shoves off her blanket, deciding to wash up and just enjoy the day off. She also decides she'll be nice today, simply because she's in a good mood.

The brunette takes the time to get ready, having in her mind what she'll like to do today. Maybe she'll call her teammates and take them out to a restur-

"Hanni, you're being called to Coach Jennie's office." Danielle barges into her room.

Chuckling, the brunette nods. "She's probably calling me to congratulate me again." Hanni responds, tugging her hoodie over her head.

Danielle gives her a serious look. "I don't think that's it. She looks pretty stern today." The raven crosses her arms, leaning against the door frame.

Confused, Hanni grabs her phone, quickly fixing herself in the mirror. "Alright... Not sure what I've done wrong to have Coach Jennie mad at me."

Her best friend shrugs before leaving the room. Hanni follows, aiming for the main door.


When Hanni enters the office, her eyes lock onto the countless medals and trophies decorating the shelves.

In her stomach, Hanni feels a sinking sensation. The only time she gets called into the Coach's offices is when she's done something Minji didn't like.

She knocks on Coach Jennie's door a few times before hearing a response and opening the door. The brunette opens the door, peaking her head inside.

Coach Jennie is sitting on her chair, leaning back in her chair without a smile, causing Hanni to wince a bit. She enters, placing her hands behind her back nervously.

"Whatever I did, I just want to say that I'm sorry and that I'll reflect on it for the rest of the week." Hanni splutters all in one breath but her coach only chuckles.

Her coach ushers for her to sit, Hanni raising her eyebrow as she slowly lowers herself onto the chair.

Coach Jennie lifts her chin up a bit, intimidating Hanni even more. "So, I was sent a video clip of you and Minji against other girls from another school. It appeared to be that you prevented Minji from getting slapped..... again." Her coach explains.

Hanni purses her lips together. "But...?"

Her coach shakes her head. "There's no but. They've decided to temporarily ban the first girl from participating in any swim events for a while and they all will be getting reprimanded by their coaches anyways. I called you here because I wanted to know about the peace project between you and Minji."

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