Chapter 6: Ease up

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Author's Notes: Short chapter lols


Hanni starts walking Minji to her lectures.

Well, that's because Minji's been making her do so. Although, the brunette doesn't mind as much as it does pay to see Jay's burrowed brows when he walks past them, the raven linking their arms together while walking through the hallways.

As the two walk through the hallways, Minji telling her about her day so far which Hanni listens to, chuckling every there and then, Yujin approaches them.

"Hanni!" Yujin calls out for her, a smile on her face.

Hanni widens her eyes as she's swung when Minji tugs her closer, possessively holding her arm.

The brunette's corner of her lips lift up nervously, slightly bowing her head. "Hi, Yujin." She greets lowly.

The glare at Minji is evident. Minji glares back.

So is the tension between the two. Hanni clears her throat, smiling at Minji. "Unfortunately, I have to get this one to class. Text me later, though." Before Yujin could answer, the brunette's dragged away passed the girl.

As they walk, Hanni nudges the raven. "What was that all about?"

Minji stays quiet, continuing to walk. The brunette presses a bit harder.

"I don't get why you don't like her. She's nice and I think you two would be very good friends." The brunette suddenly says, peaking at the girl's impression.

The raven rolls her eyes, muttering something under her breath. "I don't get why you're friends with her... she's too... Ugh, I just don't like her, that should be a good enough of a reason." Minji explains.

Hanni hums in amuse, deciding to drop the topic.

They arrive at Minji's lecture hall, people chattering with others as they enter. They move to the side so they didn't block the entrance.

"Have fun studying biology." Hanni teases, earning a whine from the older girl. "I'm leaving."

But Hanni is tugged back into Minji's view. "Aren't you missing something?" The raven tilts her head.

Suddenly, Hanni is lifted and spun around, the australian holding onto the the raven for dear life. After a few spins, Minji places her back onto the ground, hugging her tightly.

They melt into eachother, Hanni letting out a breath of relief.

They pull away from eachother due to the warning bell, Hanni is all smiles and begins walking away.

"You better respond when I'm bored in class." Minji tells her but Hanni makes and X with her arms and raises it up.

"Hanni!" She hears Minji whine loudly, making her laugh.







"I know, Hanni, now, please pay attention to class." Danielle instructs her.

Hanni huffs. "You're not even paying attention either!" She whisper yells, not wanting other students to look at her.

Danielle scoffs in feigned hurt. "Texting Haerin is more important than studying. Plus I know the computer systems like the back of my hand." She defends herself.

The brunette turns to Gyuvin. "Tell her she has to pay attention?"

The boy only shakes his head, pointing to the game he's playing on his laptop. "I'm not even paying attention either, sorry." He shrugs, going back to playing his game.

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