Chapter 19: Proud

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Hanni Pham has a few important things in her life.

They make her world complete.

She'd fight for them, truthfully. If there's anything that life's taught her? It's to not push away the things and people you love.

As she walks along the side walk, Minji by her side, holding her hand ever so gently, Hanni realizes that she may have finally found happiness.

She's glad, glad that she took the internship just so Minji could continue her uprising career beside her. Because Minji is smiling next to her, laughing at Hanni's silly antics. And as sappy as it sounds, the brunette has come to a conclusion.

Never in a hundred did she think there'd be someone who love like this-love like the way Kim Minji loves. Hanni sees in the way Minji cares much for the people closest to her, putting them first before herself, heart pure and fragile. When Hanni glances at the older, it's like looking at a ball of sunshine.

Given that they have just a few days before going home, before preparations for trials and end of the year meets, they decide on having time to themselves. Freely exploring the city after a long day of training and school work, the two girls find comfort in each other, keeping each other close while they look at the multiple attractions there is to offer.

The necklace Hanni gave Minji gleams brightly around the raven's neck, dangling with promises. The brunette never seems to get over how good it looks on the older.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Minji nudges her with their knuckles.

Hanni purses her lips. "You." She replies simply.

The brunette giggles when Minji whines at her effort to be corny. "Seriously, Han." The raven playfully hits her shoulder.

Pulling their intertwined fingers into her jacket pocket, Hanni feigns innocence. "What? I'm being truthful. My mind is always thinking about you and how I lucky I am to be able to hold such a beautiful and kind girl's hand."

Minji looks up at the brunette, nuzzling their noses together before pressing her lips against Hanni's. "You're so sweet." Minji hums and smiles against the younger's lips.

Minji pulls away to chuckle at a shy brunette.

The brunette lets out a breath, ignoring the heat she feels in her cheeks as she turns her head back to the front.

They walk for a bit before Hanni pulls them into a bakery. The sweet scent of pastries and the sudden warmth that pools them in is enough to make Hanni want to buy out the whole bakery.

While ordering, Hanni hears many whispers from other customers.

"Isn't that Kim Minji? She's so pretty in real life."

"She's actually finally dating someone, I thought she'd remain single forever."

"I think the other girl is Hanni Pham, she broke a world record at one of her meets. Her mom is the coach for a prestigious school and her father co own Park Choi inc. Her brother and her used to be child prodigies in ice skating too. What a power couple."

"I'm jealous of both of them."

"Do you think we could get autographs?"

Hanni fails to hide her smile as she thanks the cashier before looking for an open table. The two girls sit, finally able to take off their jackets.

The brunette takes a sip of her iced tea, putting it back down when she feels a poke in her arm. Hanni looks to side, meeting eyes with a little girl.

The brunette coos, lowering her head. "Hi you!" Hanni looks around for a possible guardian, smiling when she spots a woman approaching them.

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