Chapter 7: 7

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Author's Notes: Alright either it's the calm before the storm or do we want one more fluff of a chapter before it all goes📉 ?


Hanni tugs her AirPod from her ear, fumbling with the items in her hand.

Quickly, she sorts her stuff out, looking up at the person who tried to get her attention. "Yes? How may I help you?" She grins brightly.

The old lady points to a huge building, "Do you know how to get to that building?" She asks gently.

Hanni moves her bangs from her face so she's able to see better. "Yes, I do. If you keep walking straight then take a left on the third road, there's a bus stop with signs. One of them reads the area you're going to." She explains to the lady, using her hand to direct.

The old lady nods, smiling as everything clicks in her head. "Ah, I see. Thank you very much! I've been trying to get directions for a while now but people these days are always in a rush and too busy just to answer a quick question."

The brunette's lips press into an apologetic thin line. "I'm sorry you had to wait too long. I hope you're able to get to your location alright. Unfortunately, I have to get going or I'm going to be late for practice." She bows her head, the lady nodding and smiling in understanding.

Hanni places her AirPods back in her ears, stuffing her case back into her pocket. She starts walking toward her direction, the cool breeze hitting her cheeks in a subdued manner. She thinks her day started off nicely.

She hopes the old lady has a nice day too.


Lying isn't one of Hanni strongest feats.

So saying she isn't jealous would be an understatement. And right, she definitely isn't making Jay do more reps of butterflies than everyone else. She's just making sure he gets used to how hard training sessions under Hanni are.

"Do I really have to do this many reps? I can barely breathe!" Jay looks up at Hanni, who crosses her arms and watches everyone else do their's.

The brunette only nods in response.

Jay gawks. "But don't you also have to do them? Why do you get to watch us suffer?" He frowns, the brunette finding it hard not to laugh.

Hikaru walks past the two, wiping water from her face and removing her googles. "Oh, trust me, Hanni does more reps than all of our's combined after practice."

The boy groans in defeat, turning around to finish his reps along with his teammates.

The rest slowly begin to finish, walking past Hanni and snickering as the brunette keeps reminding the boy not to stop in between his reps. The brunette is giving him her usual strictness, with a bit more.

"Jay, you can stop." She hears a familiar voice instruct.

Hanni's head jerks to the right, seeing Minji approach her. "What do you think you're doing?" The brunette glares at the other girl.

Jay finishes his last rep, pulling himself to stop at the beginning walk of the pool. He removes his goggles, breathing hard as he wipes his face of water.

The raven frowns. "Don't you think he's done enough? Everyone else is done except him."

Hanni scoffs. "That's because he's been stopping in between, which means his endurance isn't up where it should be." The brunette responds sternly.

At that, Minji goes silent.

Hanni lets out a breath before walking over to her teammates. "You all are free to go. Get some rest, it's been a long day." She reaches in her bag, pulling out her swim cap and googles. Quickly, she puts them on before stretching her arms.

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