Chapter 21

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Sophie woke up to find herself in a very dark room, strapped to what felt like a table. "The little moonlark wakes. Now the process can begin." It was Elysian's voice, Sophie would recognize it anywhere. Before Sophie could tell them off, a sharp, piercing pain blazed in every part of her body, making her thrash and shake. It was like something was throwing itself into her, except that it actually seeped through her, and stayed in her, snarling and prowling around. Minutes later–though it felt like years–the pain ceased. She felt stronger, more powerful. "Let her out. She should be under my control." Whatever had been pinning her to the table lifted, and she stood, still wondering what had happened. "Make a small blizzard." But Sophie didn't. She focused, turned her darkness vision on, and looked around. She was in an empty room, with walls made of brick, and found a door to her left. She ran for it, so focused on getting away, she forgot to open the door. But that didn't matter. She went straight through it. Since when has she been a Phaser? But she didn't stop to figure it out. She ran through another wall–and found Keefe bound to a chair. He just stared at her the whole time she untied him. "What?" She asked, grabbing his hand, and running to the door, this time not forgetting to open it. "You're...glowing." He said as he became weightless behind her. "I-it's hard to explain. But it's like you have glowing, rainbow scars on your body." In a minute, they were back at the Shores of Solace, and Sophie looked at her arms. Sure enough, it was just like Keefe had described. Except they were more like cracks, not scars. Then it smacked her in the face. "Elysian–they somehow gave me every ability." If she had every ability.... "Sophie, Keefe!" She looked over her shoulder to find Dex, shadowed by Lovise, running toward them, but they stopped when they saw Sophie. "Sophie...what happened?" Before either of them could answer, Ruy popped out of the sand, the dwarf he'd come with already burrowing back down. He smirked. "So, the little test worked. Except she's not under our control." Sophie looked at the ocean behind her. Then, she had a plan. She moved her hands through the air like Linh would, gathering a sphere of water, and dumped it on Ruy, drowning him. "Wait–how did you–?" Dex started, but Keefe cut him off. "No time. We'll explain once we're far away. Now RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"

(A/N: Sorry, this chapter kinda sucks. I just got back from school and am very tired, but refuse to take a nap, because I'm stubborn like that. But I hope the next one is better. Maybe? Anyway, thanks for reading all this crap. :) 

Chapter 22

Once they reached Elwin's house, which was far away from the shores, Sophie told Dex what she thought had happened. After she finished, he frowned. "So you think Elysian somehow injected you with every elven ability? But...that should be impossible!" "Yeah, well, Foster's the master of breaking the impossible. She's cheated death more times than I can count." Then, he looked to the door of the house behind them, and waved. "Elwin alert!" Oh, great. What were they going to tell him? "Hey–I thought I saw Sophie." She realized Elwin was now standing in front of them, looking a little suspicious as he looked right through her, like she wasn't there. She looked at her arms and noticed that she couldn't see them. Her theory was proving to be right so far. "Nope, you're seeing things, Elwin. It's just the Dexinator and me." Keefe told him. "Ok....Then why did you come here?" This time, Dex answered. "What, we can't visit a friend every once in a while to make sure they're ok?" Elwin's expression relaxed a little. "I don't see anything wrong with that. Want to come in?" Dex and Keefe shared a look, and Sophie glanced behind her. She saw nothing. But she still didn't want to put Elwin in danger. "Uh, we actually promised the others a sleepover. You know we would love to spend time with you, so maybe tomorrow or something?" Dex asked. Elwin nodded. "Anytime. Just hail me before you come over." "We will. Uh, see you later, doc!" Keefe said and the three of them walked off.

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