The Fallen

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Hello and welcome to the Fallen, I won't say much about it but I hope those who clicked on this story enjoy it. This took time to make as I had to do it during the school day and people kept distracting me, mostly because I found myself interested in the conversation and forgetting to work on this but it's finally done and I'm honestly very proud of it.


Summer was dying, the cold feeling that gripped her very soul told her she didn't have long. She lay on the ground with broken bones, slashes from a bladed weapon, and a bullet hole through her leg. She couldn't see the damage as her eyes hadn't made it out of the fight either.

Blinded by the cackling scorpion with deep purple eyes. After that she remembered falling backward and down the side of a hill, she hit a lot of things on the way down and had probably gotten a few of her wounds infected by her tumble.

Of course, the worst of it was the final free fall onto the stone where she lay now. She didn't know where she was nor did she know why the people who did this hadn't come to finish her off. She didn't know where her weapon, Sundered Rose, had fallen to nor did she know how long it'd been.

She just knew she was dying and she'd never see her family again.

Tears began to pool in bloody sockets, she'd never hear Taiyang's crappy puns or the stories of Qrow's escapades across Remnant again. She'd never be able to track down Raven and give her the scolding of a lifetime for abandoning Yang, she'd never read fairy tales to her daughters again.

She'd never watch as her daughters grew into the beautiful young women she knew they'd one day become. She'd never watch her baby girls learn, nor would she be able to help Ruby with her eyes.

Summer cried all alone as she began to regret her decisions in the last twenty-four hours since she decided to go after Salem. All because she thought she knew better, never even got to Salem's domain before she was attacked.

She desperately wished she'd made a different decision, a different choice, who the hell did she think she was? She wasn't Ozpin. He'd been fighting this war longer than she had been, longer than anyone, and what? She thought she'd end it?

Arrogance drove her. She'd gotten too big. Summer Rose, an awesome Huntress and baker of badass cookies. The greatest of her generation. Look where that got her.

This was her fault and she'd die for her mistake. Leaving behind a family that would probably collapse without her, poor Tai had already lost a wife, even if Raven had just left it'd nearly broken him.

Summer had pulled him back. Who would pull him back this time?

The cold gripped her even tighter now, she was closer to death, and all she could do was lay there and accept it...

Footsteps. Someone was walking on the stone she'd been lying on, metallic boot soles most likely. A Hunter? Someone to save her?

Or was it one of the people that attacked her?

She chose the latter, she gripped onto what was left of her life and hoped. She needed to hope. A voice came from the darkness, it was low, almost mechanical in the way he spoke, but she still understood perfectly.

"I need you to grip this as tightly as you can." He said before a hilt found its way into her palm, fingers clasped around her own folding her fingers over the hilt. Something happened as she held the hilt, a feeling of warmth battling away the cold.

She wasn't sure what was happening but instead focused on her grip. The man had asked her to hold it tightly, so she did just that. She would not let go of it.

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