The Fallen VIII

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Howdy and welcome back to The Fallen! This chapter was a little difficult to write as I kept feeling as if I was writing Shirou wrong in some ways so I kept retrying but eventually decided it was just me being my overly critical self and just pushed on. If you see any issues please point them out and I hope you enjoy.


He'd made a mistake.

Shirou had made a mistake, he'd slipped again. He'd fallen back into that mindset again. That Mind of Steel that had torn him apart and fractured his heart of glass. He hadn't thought of anything else but the mission but hadn't he promised himself that he'd think back without the steel's interference? When was the last time he'd allowed himself to let it drop from his mind?

He already knew that answer.

Shirou hadn't let himself think since his time in Hoana Lu. Nearly a year ago now. That was another thing, he'd been on Remnant for close to a year dealing with the Cult of the Grimm Goddess sect in Anima. Wasn't this supposed to be his redemption? His penance for what he'd done?

Shirou had used children. Children. For a purpose and hadn't even bothered thinking of them as he should have. The Spiders were going to become a problem, he knew that on a fundamental level, but he could not kill Lil' Miss Malachite even if that would nip the problem in the bud.

Her death would have consequences, the crime families of Mistral would have warred for the women's assets and the people just living day by day would be put in the crossfire. Shirou wouldn't let that happen so he'd warned her of following him by using those children who'd been following him to track her down without thinking of the consequences.

It shamed him to admit that he would have left the boy in the alley if his words hadn't pierced through one of the cracks within the steel. The very word sister had gotten to him through it all. If he hadn't said that he would have forgotten them as nothing more than a means to an end.

What would Rin have said?

What would Sakura have said?

What would Illya have said?

What would Taiga have said?

Shirou wasn't sure. He hadn't thought about them since Hoana Lu and that-cutting off that line of thought,

Shirou didn't have the time currently, he had to make this right.

"Where would they have taken her?" Shirou repeated the boy-Roman was still staring at him in surprise. The cane, Melodic Codgel, wasn't a blade but it was a weapon close enough to one for him to have an incomplete copy of it within his inner world. It was also a gun apparently.

Its history was exposed to him and the name of the man who made it and the one who currently wielded it was given to him. Roman Torchwick, an orphan after his father was killed. His sibling, Neo as he'd learned, was adopted but they cared for each other more than anything else.

Roman finally snapped out of his stupor and stammered for a moment, "A-ah, t-thank you! Uhm, I don't know who the woman was, never heard of her before but if the amount of lien Lil' Miss claimed was right then the Noble Quarter would be our best bet."

The Noble Quarter? Most likely a place filled with the rich of Mistral, seemed they kept themselves sequestered away from everyone else. It made sense, typically those in the higher classes felt superior to those in the lower ones. Some didn't even consider those beneath them worthy to breathe in their presence.

It was certainly that way in the Clocktower and Magi society in general.

"I don't know where that is," Shirou admitted, having not read up on the locations within Mistral.

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