The Fallen IV

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Howdy and welcome back to The Fallen. I'll admit this chapter was harder to write as I hadn't planned some of the things that happen in it but it felt natural for it to be there so I was thinking things up while writing. I would like some feedback on how these parts are to you and just your general thoughts on the chapter but otherwise, I hope you enjoy.


-Forever Fall Forest Several Hours Later-

Dull golden eyes watched numbly as the forest sped by from their seat on the moving train. Shirou had left Vale a couple of days ago and had been wandering through a forest of blazing red. He wasn't sure what they called the forest but from a few low whispers his ears picked up from the passengers it seemed called Forever Fall. He wasn't sure why they were called that.

After a day of walking, he came across raised train tracks. He'd decided to follow it knowing it'd bring him somewhere and had gotten lucky to hear the typical horn of a train in the distance. Afterward, it had been relatively easy to get on after latching himself to it by using Medusa's nail chains.

A few minutes later he was sitting in the passenger cabin as if he were meant to be this whole time. No one batted an eye, far too engrossed with the forest around them.

Shirou had learned a few things after his departure from Vale, mostly due to the journal he'd taken off the corpse of a dead cultist he'd killed. Most of it was filled with religious jargon but the later parts were filled with notes, phrases, places, and names. One name in particular stood out to him, Salem.

The Grimm Goddess herself. Shirou now had a name to the title, though the cultist who wrote this referred to Salem as if they knew her. As if she was a real entity. One that told them to head for Vale to flood it. How the cultists would flood it, Shirou didn't know.

Back to the goddess, Shirou heavily doubted that Salem was an actual Divine entity. He could feel this world's mana signature and it was only slightly better than Earth's. If anything Salem was probably an entity similar to a Dead Apostle.

Dead apostles could be easy to kill or very difficult and Shirou would admit he's had run-ins with the entire scale. Death followed any apostle and deaths on mass usually attracted Shirou to the area, whether he'd be capable of killing them was another story. The last dead apostle Shirou had encountered was a few hundred years old. It took a lot from Emiya but he'd killed the thing in the end.

Salem could be a monster similar to one but he wasn't sure. Emiya was only comparing her to one without any true information. He was only assuming this by the ramblings of a cultist who would be so blinded by their faith they'd tell you a rotting corpse was the most beautiful thing they'd ever laid eyes on.

Faith did many things to people-

Emiya walked past several beds filled with people connected to cords in their spines. The unknown fluid flowed into the spine but Emiya didn't know what it was doing exactly. He was aware of what the people a part of the cult believed it did but all he saw were men, women, and children who looked far too sick to be saved.

-and blind them to what they wanted to see was one symptom of many.

Shirou looked back to the case sitting in his lap, trying to figure things out. Perhaps he should've spoken more to that man, Ozpin if he remembered correctly, on what was happening. Ozpin had implied something much larger was at play.

Emiya immediately discarded the idea. He didn't work well with others and his methods were sure enough to piss someone off. Besides he wasn't one to trust easily and simply preferred working alone, the viper den that was the Clock Tower instilled a natural paranoia in him that saved his life more times than he could count.

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