The Fallen VII

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Welcome back pals and gals to the Fallen! I'm gonna be slowing the story down over the next few chapters so I can tell it at the pace this part of the story will need and I admit I may have rushed a bit so if you see any problems please point them out and I'll look it over. Anyway I hope you enjoy.


Caravans were an important part of most Kingdoms of Remnant to varying degrees. Vacuo's was the most important because the main kingdom resided in the middle of a barebones desert with no food for miles, without settlements sending shipments they would very quickly starve unless something was done about this. Due to this, the caravans of Vacuo are guarded twenty-four seven and anyone caught trying to steal was punished severely.

Vale had some caravans come through but those are people looking to buy more than sell as Vale has an entire district dedicated to farming crops. The things sold by the caravans are mostly skins, wood, and just anything valuable to the kingdom's continued existence.

Atlas was an exception to the typical goings-on. Solitas was an extremely cold continent and as such most people lived in Atlas or Mantel. They did have to get shipments brought in from Vale and Mistral and the occasional one from Vacuo but otherwise didn't have the same need for caravans as the others. Though a few people have made their livings in the Solitas Tundra, it's a hard life with a very high mortality rate.

Mistral was a bit of a mix between Vacuo and Vale. They didn't need the caravans as they did have natural vegetation surrounding the kingdom due to the mountainous terrain as well as the river that flowed through them and beneath the kingdom. Though Mistral's economy was the best out of the other kingdoms and the rich enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle. It also helped that Mistral was the crime capital of Remnant and most of these Crime Families had made deals with certain settlements for more 'exotic' cargo.

Shirou was currently riding in the back of one of these convoys, sitting on a crate he knew was filled with ores mined from an illegal mining site farther south. He was currently reading through the documents he'd snagged from his last hunt which was mostly just the same information he already knew just worded differently.

Shirou hadn't expected anything new but he'd hoped for something. After the eighth cultist compound he'd dealt with he'd noticed less and less things were just strewn about the place. It meant the cult wasn't stupid which was unfortunate for him. Still, he knew his target.

A place in the Industrial Quarter of Mistral called the Chop Shop. The problem was he had no idea where that was so he'd be going blind into the kingdom. He'd find it, he had no doubts about that, he just wasn't sure how long it'd take. Maybe he'd get lucky and it was a public establishment and he could ask around for it but he'd see.

Shirou felt the truck stop so he stopped reading and listened, reinforcing his ears so he could hear what was happening.

"Alright, hand over the cargo manifest." Shirou assumed this was the border guard.

"Yep, here ya' go." The driver spoke.

A moment of quiet with some paper being moved and the quiet sound of a scroll chime.

"Alright, it matches with the manifest sent over. Ya' mind if I take a look?"

Shirou already had a Noble Phantasm ready to trace when the driver spoke again.

"Personally? No. My employer on the other hand? She'd rather you take a look at this."

"Sir, it's a normal inspection it-oh! Uh, sorry sir I uh-let 'em through!"

The guard's quick turnaround made Shirou wonder just who the driver's employer was. He dismissed the weapon from his mind as the truck started moving again. He looked out the back of the truck and caught a glimpse of what he assumed to be the man the driver had been talking to just as the gate began closing.

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