The Fallen X

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Howdy everyone! I'm back with Chapter X and a little bit nervous about the reception to it. I haven't worked on The Fallen for about a month so I think It's somewhat off but I'm sure I'll get back into the groove of things soon enough. This chapter and the next will be a transition between the Anima arc and what will soon be the Solitas Arc which I can't wait to get to as a scenario in that arc is the whole reason I started writing this story and eagle-eyed readers may be able to put together what I plan to do but I won't be confirming anything. Anyway, I've talked enough so I hope you all enjoy.


Leo let out a long and heavy sigh. He'd just finished up with a meeting he thought would last forever and was now sitting on the steps of the staircase located within the great hall of Haven Academy. Leo would usually be in his office leaning back in his leather chair with his eyes shut but having been stuck in there for the last several hours he was starved of more open space and came out here instead.

The meeting had been the latest in a series of them starting hours ago with the release of that article. An article detailing the corruption of the Mistral Council and the members spearheading that corruption, all of which were now being investigated. Leo had no doubt they'd be found guilty; he was more worried about how the people were taking this.

On another topic, the Wildcard had finally reached Mistral. Leo was aware of this because his agents, having gone to the Spiders, had learned of it from a patron at the bar they were set up in currently, the Aeiger if he remembered correctly. What Leo learned was that the Wildcard had walked in a little after two kids had and demanded that they stop trying to learn about him. This, including the Wildcard confirming his killings of the Spiders who tried, made Malachite attempt to kill him.

This hadn't gone her way and the Wildcard left after a lofty threat and the part that intrigued Leo so much was the method. The patron had reportedly told his agents that several blades with red hilts appeared in the air and were launched at everyone in the bar but instead of hitting them, they pierced their shadow. Then they could no longer move.

Could this be another relic of Ozpin's time?

Leo wasn't sure but couldn't come up with anything else. He'd be reporting this to Ozpin as soon as possible but he knew he'd be incredibly busy the next few days with the backlash from the corrupt council members. In the meantime he's sent out his agents to find the cult base and deal with it as soon as possible; he couldn't let someone come across the massacre, it'd just be more added to Mistral's negativity.

Another thing pertaining to the Wildcard was the now-leveled Lemon Manor. Leo was aware of the upstart in Mistral's criminal underworld and aware that she was the daughter of a rich family that came from Atlas decades ago. Besides that Leo wasn't really familiar with the woman besides what she's done which wasn't much anyway.

It seemed she'd tried to bite off more than she could handle and it gave way to her downfall. Leo wasn't privy to all the information of that incident but from what he could gather, it seemed Lemon had taken a girl from the Aieger, and the brother was almost killed if not for the Wildcard's appearance.

Leo had to assume the brother had gotten the help of the Wildcard somehow and that was why this had happened. It gave a little more character to the man Ozpin had told them to be wary of and while it wasn't a lot it at the very least gave the Haven Headmaster a sense of ease knowing the Wildcard would help children.

Though Malachite has already seen fit to take advantage of Lemon's death having already taken most of her assets, the others being taken by the piranhas of the criminal world. Leo would not be surprised if this incident allowed another main player to rise; it wouldn't be the first time.

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