chap 1

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Y/n pov

Hello my name is y/n I come from a place called berserker Island it's not the best place on the map but it's certainly where I could call home well use to. My mom died during a dragon raid so I had no other family left because I never met my dad and I had no siblings so I just decided to live with it. At the time I was kind of foolish at the age of 14 and I was also lonely and I did not really fit in with the others. I had 2 friends tho one was name dagur he was the son of Oswald and he was also my best friend we would cause mayhem around the island a couple times and we had Alot a good times then there was heather his sister but he did not know that. Wondering how I know because it's very easy to see if you look pass the uncanny amount of differences between them but you will see it. Heather was on of my great friends as well always there to help me out and filled that empty void of my loneliness I also had a crush on her but you don't need to tell her that right. After some contemplating I decided to leave to adventure on my own that's when I stumbled upon a cavern it looked decimated and there was huge wholes like something borrowed though it then we shall skip to my present self now

Y/n pov

Y/n was exploring this cavern he stumbled upon while he was traveling.the island had a huge volcano on it and below it was just a huge cavern and because y/n is dumb he explored it.

Y/n: well this place was a total waste of time.

Y/n was lost in a deep part of the cavern and was clueless on where to go next

Y/n:hmmmm let's go over here then

Y/n talked to himself and decided to walk to the left side of the cavern he walking and looking around when something attacked him shooting a fireball what he managed to doge

Y/n: just my luck of course a whispering death would be down here

The whispering death roared loudly before even more whispering death surfaced and roared at y/n in anger

Y/n: my bad whispering deaths was down here could we talk this out maybe or no

The whispering deaths roared loudly before they all charged at y/n he ran doging and weaving through fire balls shot at him. He jumped over a whispering death who tried to borrow under him and kept running he turned a corner doging a whispering death who almost took his head off and he took out his shield and sword and block a fireball from another whispering death before bashing it into a wall with all his strength and then tried to slash down on it but it borrowed out the way.

Y/n: you know I thought whispering deaths had shit vision how are you even seeing me right now

The whispering deaths roared at y/n before spewing Alot of fireball towards him which he doge by running and turning a corner y/n was running and fighting for his life before he got dead ended.

Y/n: ladies and gentlemen my luck just keeps getting worse and worse.

The whispering death flew after y/n by turning a corner and had him trapped y/n looked behind and saw a huge cage well it looked more like a seal but y/n did not have time to focus on that. The whispering death shrieked at y/n who covered his ears so he would not go deaf y/n looked back at the iron cage and came up with a crazy plan than might work

Y/n: hey you ever heard of that saying that when you see a big door don't opening it

The whispering deaths roared at y/n getting more irritated and start getting ready to kill him

Y/n: well we is going to open this one

Y/n was hoping that something was in there that would maybe scare away the whispering deaths so as all the whispering deaths charged up to fire at him he went exactly where the key whole was and when all the whispering deaths shot at him he jumped out the way and all the fireballs impacted the door shaking the cavern and the door was gone.

Y/n: yeah thought so should a known nothing was going to be in there ok look guys we can talk about this right

The whispering deaths shrieked before charging at y/n with there mouths wide ready to rip him apart when a huge roar was heard disorienting the whispering deaths.

Y/n: what in the name of Thor

A huge dragon that resembled a serpent was over him defending him against the whispering deaths the whispering deaths roared in anger and the serpent kind Dragon roared back in a loud roar disorienting then again before it pounced on one of the whispering deaths and throwing it in a wall one of the whispering deaths fired a fireball at the Dragon but it did absolutely nothing and the dragon split its mouth open before pouncing on the whispering death who fired at it. It slammed the whispering death in ground and crushed the whispering neck killing it before shooting what looked like blue gass at a whispering death who fired it blast lighting the blue gass and creating corrosive acid mixed with magma what burned the whispering death causing Alot of injuries and the whispering death fell to the ground.

Y/n watched as the whispering deaths all got absolutely obliterated by this dragon he has never seen before the 3 remaining whispering deaths watching it's comrades get killed before then decided to run away before they were next the dragon then turned around to y/n with a growl

Y/n: what are you your absolute magnificent.

Y/n slowly approached the Dragon the dragon seemed rather confused not knowing if this human has a death wish or was just utterly stupid well it was kinda both y/n approach and reached out his hand and the dragon sniffed it before placing its snout in y/n hand

Y/n: your beautiful

Y/n rubbed his hands across the Dragons scales and it's hudge Spikes and some armoured parts of its body before returning to the Dragons head the dragon stared into y/ns eyes and y/n smirked

Y/n: how about I call you Jörmungandr and we can travel the world huh buddy

The dragon roared seemingly understanding y/n and that's how y/n meat Jörmungandr at the age of 14 while he was on his adventure then through out the years y/n has studied Jörmungandr realizing it feed on dragons which y/n had no problem with he actually liked it because dragons killed his mother and Jörmungandr seemed to take pleasure in killing the dragons Jörmungandr has poison in his blue gas that is turned into acid mixed with magma when its near fire and its almost always coming out of Jörmungandr's mouth.
Jörmungandr was 85 feet long and 80 feet tall when he moves up right.

And there is a lot more y/n found out that Jörmungandr is the last of its kind but what he has seen from the dragon bones that Jörmungandr was a titan wing and one feature of it being a titan wing is that it could fly because it was the only argument i had to make it fly so shut up

And that's the end for now 1304 words and the next chapter we will have a 5 year time skip to race to the edge season 2 so yeah hope you enjoy this chapter of my book

how to train your dragon x berserk reader with Jörmungandr DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now