Dinner Date chapter 2

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Y/N outfit for Date in mm
alarm goes off
Y/N Pov
So I just got up from my alarm and text message this morning. I really don't remember putting my timer on 10:30 but it's OK im up know. So i look at my phone and it said ''Goodmorning beautiful I just wanted to know if your up and to tell you I can't wait to see you''.After that my heart mealt. I'm gonna go do my hygiene and take a 30min shower so talk to u in a few.

Skip to down stairs>>>>
Kim(Y/N mom): Hey Y/N how's your morning going right know.

Y/N:Great(will smiling & getting cereal).

Kim:Who is he??????

Y/N:What you mean ''Who is he''.

Kim:Really?? you act like I don't know you your my child.

Y/N:OK mom its a boy named Troy I meet him at the mall yesterday and he asked me to go on a date with him and I said yes that all.

Kim: So when is the date???

Y/N:today at 7:30.

Kim:We need to get u a outfit for u how about we have a mom&daughter day just me and u.

Y/N: umm I don-

Kim:Please please please!!!


Kim:OK get ready we finna go in 30 so be ready.

Y/N:OK (goes up stairs to get dress).
Y/N Outfit
*bleached high wasted pants
*white Marilyn Monroe crop top
*red& white Levis
*red belt
*hair in a bun
Skip to at Dillards >>>
Kim:you should wear this (pointing to dress in mm).

Y/N:Why? ( while stating at it really long)

Kim:Cause its pretty and it will fit your curves (will smilling).


Kim:great so let's get our shoes and other stuff .

Skipping to home>>>>

Y/N pov
When I got home I hopped in the shower because it was going to be time to go in a few so when I got out the shower I got dress and did my hair in a high ponytail.
Troy POV
Well I'm in my way to Y/N house and I got her some flowers and I'm kinda nervous I hope we have a good time I did not tell her where we going because I want it to be a surprise.

Knock knock
Kim:Who is it???


Kim: (opens door &smile) hi ur here for Y/N aren't u.

Troy: Yes ma'am

Kim:OK Y/N(yelling Y/N name).

Y/N:Coming (comes down stairs).

Troy:(lost of words&stund).

Y/N:hey Troy (smiling)

Troy:ummm hey (hands her flowers)

Y/N:thanks know let's go.

Troy: OK let's go.

Kim:y'all be safe have her home at 10.(smiling).

Troy:Yes ma'am

Y/N just left with the boy named Troy but for some reason I fell like I know him from some were but I'm just gonna wipe it off and let Y/N have fun.

In car
(Million by Tink comes on radio Y/N turns song up)

Y/N:(singing alone to song)Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on you give me a really good filling all......million yeah yeah million ahhhh like a million million million people told me not to trust in you there's a million million-

Troy: (stops song & look at you)

Y/N:Why u did that.

Troy:u really can sing good(looking shock).


Author note:I will but song in mm.
Skipping to restaurant
Waiter:how may I help u my name is Chris and I'll be ur waiter for tonight .

Troy:thanks Chris what you want my lady.

Y/N:umm I would love a lemonade.

Chris:OK how about u sir

Troy:lemonade too

Chris:OK I'll be back

Y/N:So how old are u

Troy:19 you


Troy:your a young bull aren't u you the one that don't like to drink,smoke,fight or have sexual contact.

Y/N:why u say that(looking confused)

Troy:Cause u look like one now am I right.

Y/N:Yes but that don't mean I won't do it and I'm only one year behind you (rolling eye).

Troy:chill shawty its OK im sorry if I harmed u(smirking).

Y/N: what ev-

Waiter:do you want to order know and here's y'all drinks.

Y/N:thanks and I would like a well cooked cheeseburger and fries

Waiter:you sir

Troy:the same

Waiter:OK be back. 

Author POV
Well they just talked the rest of the night and then he got a phone call so they had to end the dinner early but he took her home she took a shower got in bed and drifted off to sleep.

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