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Renee groaned loudly at the sound of her alarm blaring throughout her bedroom. She shot up off of her bed and ran her hands over her bonnet as it slid off of her head. She looked around her room wondering where she was.

Her room was filled with vinyls and pictures of her favourite artists. She lived off of music. It was like air for her. Renee had been singing since she was exactly three years old, before that she was famous for humming and babbling gibberish.

Her dreams were to become a singer. And she promised herself that she would pursue that anyway she knew how.

Taking a deep breath, Renee swung her legs to the edge of the bed and looked around her room. Books were sprawled out everywhere on the floor.

The last thing she remembered was studying before she fell asleep. She hadn't studied for long before she got distracted.

Slowly, she stood up from the bed and made her way out of the bedroom. She walked over to the room nearest to her and began to bang on it. The sound of her loud thumps shook the door.

"Randall and Jason, wake up!"

"I don't wanna go to school." Her little brother, Jason yelled from the inside.

"Well, you have to."

Her feet dragged towards the bathroom. She rolled her eyes at the sound of the water running.

"You know I'm supposed to go in there first 'cause you take too long. Which is expected with your ugly self."

"'Cause of that imma take longer."

"Randall!" Renee banged on the door. She took a step back when the door opened and Randall walked out with his curls slicked back and his red shirt tucked into his black pants.

He squinted his eyes at her and brushed past her. She smirked and walked into the bathroom.

With five people in the house they only shared one bathroom. It was hard when everyone had to leave the house around the same time, but they made it work.

Renee's mother was a nurse, so she would be out of the house before all of them. Her father being a plumber, he left around the same time as them, which made it easier for Renee.

She didn't have to make sure her siblings were ready on her own.

Once her hair was pulled back into a ponytail the way that she wanted it to be, she headed out the bathroom and into her bedroom. Quickly, she slipped on a regular plain t-shirt and tucked it into her pants. She slid her lipstick with a light pink hue across her lips and smacked them.

"Y'all need to get something to eat before you go!" Her father yelled out from the kitchen.

The three kids made their way out of their rooms and followed their fathers voice.

Renee grabbed the ripest banana in the fruit bowl and raised it in front of her father. He believed in a good breakfast making your day ten times better.

"Jason, eat this." He handed him a sandwich.

Randall grabbed himself an apple and a granola bar.

"He can eat that on the way to school. I gotta catch the bus. Love you."

Renee grabbed her bag and nodded towards the door. In tow, her brothers followed her outside their apartment. They skipped down the steps and began their walk.

"I'll be home late tonight so make sure you pick up Jason and watch him, Randall."

The sixteen-year old nodded his head and continued walking alongside his little brother. He placed him in a headlock and rubbed his head with his knuckles.

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