When you say someone's good looking

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Finding someone good looking does NOT equal wanting to date/have sex with them! It's okay to find people handsome/beautiful even while dating someone.


His school is filled with so many good looking people! So of course you would say that when seeing anyone from the school, and so you two will usually be huddled up, whispering about how attractive that one person is while Daniel gives you some of the secretive stuff he can share with you. When you mumble they are prettier than you he's quick to assure you you are as beautiful and you shouldn't put yourself down as everyone's beauty is unique.


He will glance to the person then ask why, wondering if he looks like that to you then or if he's better looking or below. Then chuckles to himself, telling himself mentally there's no way he's below that person. So as you explain why you find them so good looking Zack will stare with intensity at the person, to the point the person awkwardly glances as they could feel two lasers burning into their head then hurry off. And eventually Zack, after a lot of thinking and debating, will sigh and say he can see why you would find them good looking then. He still tells himself stubbornly that he's way more handsome.


He will wonder if it's the clothes, or the hair, or anything that person has going on for them. And so the next day he will come to you in those clothes, motioning to himself as if to ask "do you like this?", looking hopeful and excited, and so you will give him your answer. If it's yes he will be so happy and the next day his closet is fully replaced with the clothes from that brand. If it's no he will slouch, feeling defeated and wondering if it was the hair then and wonder if he should go cut his hair, but you already placed your hand on his head and assured him he is good the way he is so he doesn't have to change it; you simply also liked how that person looked and that that look worked for that person but not him. He pout but nod then wrapped his arms around you and held you.


He will curiously glance to the person then nod in agreement before pointing to himself, now worrying maybe he's lacking something you like. But you will grab his hand and assure him he is perfect the way he is so he doesn't have to worry. Both eyed the person again before he said it must be nice to be that good looking. Then he realized he knows many good looking people so he has to be careful with you around them, because they might try to use their looks to steal you away from him! So now whenever one of the good looking people, like Daniel, Eli, or such approach he is immediately in front of you with crossed arms, looking protective because he worries they will misuse their looks and manipulate you. Though once you realized this and assured him for a bit that you wouldn't fall for that he calmed down and finally stopped doing it, now feeling assured and trusts you not to fall for any men or women that try to use their looks on you.


He doesn't mind, he's even glad you two don't feel as if you both have to drag others down as he doesn't like when people do that. But he has insecurity issues with his ears so whenever it happens he does wonder if his ears ruin his appearance or if it might be his fashion. He's quite confident in himself but at times it cracks, and it warms his heart when you notice so are quick to assure him; especially makes him warm inside when you rub his ears gently and claim you find every inch of him attractive.

Johan: (I seriously do not know how to write Johan.)

He's just blunt and will ask why, crossing his arms and eyeing the person. He can be very child-like at moments so he will think that only he should be attractive to you, but also be mature enough to realize there are a ton of good looking people on this world and he's probably just average looking so of course he won't be the only good looking one to you. You will tell him then assure him he is still the prettiest to you so he has nothing to worry about so he can wipe that frown away. And it works! The frown goes away, happy he's the prettiest, only for his frown to return and argue he's not pretty and that pretty is only for girls; that he's manly and handsome.


He will glance then huff he's still better looking, to which you will sigh it's not a competition and people can find various people good looking. To that he will just shrug and say he knows, he's just stating the obvious, like you were. You can never tell if he's serious or joking when he does that, but you have a feeling it's a bit of both. He does admit some others are looking good, but in his mind there are very few of those as you are always the best looking for him and no one has ever beaten your level yet.


He has a very weird thing where he judges how good people look depending on if they would look good throwing a punch or kick. So if you nod to someone, saying they sure are good looking, he will glance and visualize them attacking him then say whether he thinks so or not. When you asked why he always has to think so long about it he just gave you a grin then told you not to worry about it. Many think Goo is the weird one but Gun can match the weirdness just as well.


If it's a stranger he will glance to them: eyeing them, debating, then either shrug, hum, or nod. He doesn't really like that you find others attractive. Other people can be good looking, sure, but he rather be the only good looking person in your eyes. But he won't admit that out loud, though his don't-care attitude when you say someone looks good gives it away at times. But if it's someone you two know then he gets excited and will agree, curious why they are looking so good today and if they have anything special going on and if he should crash it.

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