When they are late to a date

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Trouble seems to always come his way so sometimes he will run late. When he finally arrives he's apologizing so much, assuring if you are angry with him it's reasonable and he deserves it. He makes sure to make up for it by buying you whatever and making sure you have a good time.


He's speed! He's dashing to get there on time, but then it's as if whenever he has to arrive somewhere people must stop him. He just beats them all up with a single punch. When he arrives he's panting with bruised knuckles, but when you ask he says it's nothing then excitedly starts the date.


Anyone who dares come in his way gets smacked by whatever is closest to him so they fall to the ground and remain there. So since he's late now he quickly picks up flowers and runs to the location. When he finds you he kneels and holds them to you, clearest look of sorry. Even if you tell him he doesn't have to each time he shakes his head wildly.


Sometimes he gets distracted by a dog, but most likely someone decided to fight him. So even if beaten up he'll still show up because the man is on a mission to be on a date with his amazing partner! The date plan gets cancelled to instead take care of him though.


Sometimes he loses track of time when his mind starts thinking of many things and trying to solve things for the Burn Knuckles. So when he finally notices he curses, sends a "Sorry, on my way!" text then runs out the door and tries to get there the quickest way, telling anyone who wants to stop him "Tomorrow! Busy!" while racing past them.


He will try his best to show up on time, but then some jerk decides to fight him. He beats them the faster he ever has, breaking his record each time, warning them "I have to be somewhere important" so they know he's not about to show mercy. When he finally shows up he acts like usual, claiming his bus was late.


He'll be fighting or doing work but then notices the time. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," is all going through his mind then and immediately bolts. When people yell at him to finish the job he just flashes his middle finger. He has better things to worry about now! When he finally arrives he almost tackles you in a hug, covering your face with kisses; apologizing between the kisses and promising to make it up.


He's never late. If he is: he isn't. If you claim he is, he simply says "no" and the date begins. Someone stops him from going to his date? SMACK! Not anymore. Now he's on his date and they on a trip to the hospital.


He begins laughing a lot then goes silent and serious. "You are making me late" is all he says before he solves the issue real quick then snatches some flowers from the sidewalk as he goes to you. He holds them to you with a bashful laugh, rubbing the back of his neck and claiming he had a little issue but he's really sorry.

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