When you play the flower petal game and it ends on 'he loves me not'

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Just a quick chapter because I'm bored so don't take it serious and sorry if it's bad/OOC.


He just laughs it off, but somewhere in his mind his anxiety and insecurity issues rise but he does know it's just a foolish silly game not to be taken serious so he pushes it aside and focuses on other things.


Great, now he has a hatred for flowers. He will take the flower and toss it aside, telling you to stop playing such stupid games. Now he also has a habit to destroy that kind of flower when angry.


His mouth will fall open, silent gasp, then pluck a new flower and hold it to you, to tell you to restart. He will watch with great hope as you start plucking again.


First time he honestly contemplated all, wondering if a flower really can predict anything but then he realized: no because he loves you! At home he did it himself, but not with 'do they love me or not' but instead 'do I love them or not' So now when you do it he just dismisses it with a chuckle, certain it's a lie as he still loves you.


He just chuckles and dismisses it. He doesn't need a flower to predict something, especially if it's gonna be so wrong about it. He will snatch it away you from you playfully, laughing to stop it.

Johan: (I still have no clue how to write him...)

At first he never understood but now he gets it. He will begin hoping it lands on the right one, but at the end you hold it to him, saying 'he loves me not' so he will grab it in his fist then say this is childish. When you don't look he will pull it apart then search a flower that would come out on 'he loves me' then hold it to you, telling you to redo it.


He didn't pay much attention until you said 'he loves me not' and then nothing else so his head whipped to the flower to see it's done. He snatched it and tossed it aside, dipping you and claming he will gladly show you how much he loves you. He gave you a heated kiss, his hand roaming over your thigh, sliding upwards, but then stopped and he said, with a teasing smirk, 'by plucking more flowers' then walked off to go gather flowers.


He just ignores you. When you bring it up to him, saying the flower said he doesn't love you, he will just glance at you from over his glasses then ask if you are gonna believe a flower or him. If you shrug then this is a good excuse for him to take you somewhere quiet and prove the flower wrong.


Suddenly the flower is in two and Goo's holding a sharp object, which he will pocket with an innocent look. When you accuse him of having ruined your flower he'll argue you were ruining it yourself anyway.

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