Part 2. Moving, Moving Where?.

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A few days later and I was up with the larks along with father and Jimmy, getting ready for my shift at the pub and they were getting ready for their shift at the pit or so I thought. I was sat in front of my vanity mirror, in my bedroom, fixing my hair up into my signature bun, on top of my head. "Rosie!". Father croaked out from downstairs. "Coming!". I shouted down. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, before I made my way out of my bedroom and across the little landing and down the stairs that lead straight into the sitting, come dining room. I stood at the bottom of the stairs my hand resting on the end of the banister, Jimmy and my father were, both sat in the arm chairs that faced the roaring fire that was a blaze, keeping us warm.

No one said a word for a moment, all that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. Father and Jimmy sat there, staring at the floor for a moment. "Sit down pet, we've got summit to tell ye". I said nothing, other than obey orders and I walked round and sat on the three seater sofa that was in front of the staircase. I sat there my hands on my lap, awaiting what they had to tell me, but no one dared speak, they both just kept looking at each other, waiting for one of them to tell me the news, that they had to share. "Well, what is it?". I asked softly. Father then sighed heavily and placed the palm of his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it. Father then dropped his hand from his neck and looked at the floor. "We're...We're...". Father kept on repeating the same word, but couldn't finish his sentence.

"We're moving!". Jimmy finally spluttered out. Father then gave him a stern look, as though to tell him that, that was not the way he wanted to tell me. "We're what?". I asked shocked. Father then sighed heavily again. "We're moving petal". Father softly said. "M-moving where too?". I asked him. Jimmy then got up and went into the kitchen, as he went to stand at the back door and light a cigarette, for Father approved of him smoking, but not in the house. "I was talkin' to a lad at the match the other day and he reckons that the further down South of the country ye gan, the more you get paid for working down the pit". "Oh, so what ye saying is we 'ave to leave everything that we know and love behind, just to 'ave more money?". I asked.

"No, I'm not saying that flower but...". Father tried speak but I cut him off. "But nothing, everything we love is here, everything we know is within this village, within these four walls, people we work with, our family, memories of mother!". I said, as tears began to prick my eyes, at the thought of her and how we would be leaving everything that reminds us of her behind to start a née life somewhere else. "Mam's dead Rosie and it's time that we moved on and accepted it!". Jimmy finally said, as he finally finished his cigarette and stormed back into the living room. "How can you say that Jimmy, how are you prepared to just brush her under the carpet and move on!". I blubbered, as I began to cry but tried to stop myself.

"No matter how hard we keep her memory alive she won't be coming back, get that into ye thick fucking skull!". Jimmy shouted at me, whilst using his index finger to point at his own skull. "Hew man, Jimmy calm the fuck down will ya, that's your sister ye talkin' too, your supposed to be looking out for her man!". Father jumped up from his seat and snapped at Jimmy. A short silence ascended around the room, as father sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, as he sat back down in his chair.

I put my head into my hands and tried my best not to cry uncontrollably, until I heard footsteps coming closer towards me and a pair of hands grasp themselves around my own and pull them from my face. It was Jimmy, he bent down to the level I was sat at and looked me dead in the face, with a sorrowful expression upon his face. "Rosie, I'm sorry". He whispered to me, as he caressed the back of my hands with his thumbs, as I sat there hiccuping, trying to stop myself from crying. "I don't like this anymore than you do, but it's time to move on, if we stay here we won't be within these four walls for much longer and we will be out on the streets or even worse the workhouse". He continued softly.

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