Part 11. First Job Of The Company.

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Morning broke and I got up before it got light  outside, for the anxiety and a touch of excitement, was all becoming to much for me, for todays the day, I spend the day with Tommy Shelby. I began to pace my bedroom floor, backwards and forwards I went, too much infact that I was wondering, if it would leave tred marks on the wooden floor boards, with how much pacing I was doing.

I stopped pacing and leant over on my footboard of my bed and took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, closing my eyes and re-opening them slowly. I then, walked over towards my wardrobe and searched something to wear, that was warm and comfortable, given the state of the weather outside. Once I was changed and dressed, I walked over to my vanity and did my hair, taking it out of my plait and brushing it, before putting into my usual bun hairstyle. I also, for the first time in what seemed forever, I applied a touch of makeup, last time I had any of this on, was when we went to the races. I applied a touch of mascara, a bit of face powder, a touch of blush and a little bit of lipstick, don't ask me why, for I just fancied getting dolled up for a change.

Once that was done, I got up from off the chair and turned down the gas lamp, before walking out of my room and quietly down the stairs, so I didn't wake the boys, as they were both having lie ins due to not being at work today. I got into the sitting room, turned on all the gas lamps so I could see where I was going and I lit the fire, to take the morning chill, away from around the house. I then, walked into the kitchen and put on the kitchen light and made myself a cup of tea, whilst also making myself a small bowl of porridge, even though I wasn't up to wanting to have breakfast, for my stomach was churning so much and I don't know why, for I have spent a day with Tommy at the races and bumped into him from time to time, but every first encounter I have with him, makes me nervous each time. Why I don't know, perhaps it's due to the fact of what he is capable of doing to people, who cross him, I'm still not sure deep down.

It was about seven thirty by now and breakfast was completed, I had to force it down as I didn't know when the next time would be, when I would get a bite to eat. So, I was quick thinking and made myself two corned beef sandwiches and put them into my handbag, incase I got hungry later and had no where to go, for my dinner. To help take my mind of it a bit more, I did some tidying up, I did the dishes and washed up my breakfast bowl and all the utensils, I had used to make my sandwiches. I then, went onto doing a bit of dusting and sweeping the floor, I didn't have time to wash the floor, so sweeping just had to do for now.

Once the tidying was completed, I then went onto opening the front curtains. The dim light of the morning, began to create a dull yet bright light around the room, as I was neatly putting the curtains into place, to make them look tidy, figures from outside the front window caught my eye. So I slowly, pulled back the net curtain and took a peek, there infront of me in his big posh car was Tommy, but he wasn't alone. He was early, but he never said anything about picking me up, I thought to myself, but who is the person sat next to him in the passenger seat, I wonder. Upon closer inspection, without the risk of getting caught, I realised that from the form of the figure it was a woman, she seemed tall and more slender than I was, with olive skin, dark hair and a beautiful facial structure, with chizled cheekbones and bright pink lips. They were both deep in conversation. Who was she I thought to myself.

I carried on watching, all the while forgetting that I was supposed to be meeting the man, I am spying on, in about an hours time. My heart suddenly sunk to the bottom of my feet, I felt crushed for some reason, reasons I didn't know what for, I also felt jealous too, but why, for this could just be a formal conversation he is having, with someone and I could just be blowing it all out of proportion, for no reason at all. I shook of the feelings I was having and let go of the net curtain, letting it fall back into place and block the view. I walked over to the wall mounted mirror we had, on the wall between the stairs and the front door and I gazed unhappily, at my appearance, comparing my features to those of that woman, sat in the car with Tommy. She has beautiful raven hair, I have bright orange hair, she has gorgeous tanned clear skin, I look like I have a disease with how pale and freckly I am, she has beautiful chizled cheekbones, I have chizled features, but not as chizled as hers. To make matters worse, I had to stand on my tiptoes, to look at my reflection, when all the while, all I could think of was, how that woman, wouldn't have to bother doing that, because of how beautiful and slender her long legs were.

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