Part 13. I Found You And You Found Me.

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As the last police officer left, dragging Mr Bryne's body along with him, out the door. Myself and Tommy stood there in silence, for a moment. The only sound that could be heard was our raggered breaths. Tommy, then cleared his throat and turned to look at me. "Come on, I'll walk you home". He said softly, as he sniffled and cleared his throat again, as he went behind the bar to retrieve my coat and my bag. I was still in shock, from the events that just occurred, right in front of me that right now, I was just complying with everything little thing, that he said for I didn't want to make him angry and end up exactly like, Mr Bryne.

I gently took my bag off him and I accepted his help, when he helped me to put on my coat and gently put it onto my shoulders. I took pleasure into nuzzling down into its warm fibres, for the shock I was going through, had me shivering like a leaf and I needed to warm up, before I collapsed onto the ground. We slowly made our way out of the pub and down the dark lit streets, the gas lit street lights creating a metaphoric glow of what looked like fire, as though myself and Tommy, were walking into the depths of hell together, for the sins we had just committed a moment ago.

Tommy, then lit a cigarette and passed it to me, as we walked down the pavement together. I stopped and looked at him confused for a moment, for he knows I don't smoke. "For the shock". He softly said, as he held it out further for me to take. "No, I'm fine thank you". I stammered. Tommy, then titled his head slightly and shrugged his shoulders, before placing the lit cigarette, into his mouth and carried on walking ahead of me. He was walking a little too fast, for my short legs that when I tried to keep up with him, I would trip up every few steps of the way.

We walked in silence the rest of the way to my house door. I stopped and turned so my back was facing it, only Tommy couldn't look at me, he just kept his head down and continued to smoke his cigarette. "Thank you". I softly said to him. Then, he took one last draw of his cigarette and looked up at me. "I'm sorry". Was all he replied with, which was good enough for me, considering what he had just put me through, back there. He then, walked away in the other direction, than his own front door, leaving me standing at mine, whilst my gaze followed his frame, stride down the street before I snapped out of it and opened my front door glad to get into the warmth.

That night, I tossed and turned I couldn't sleep, I was dreaming that Tommy got really angry with me for shooting at the two men and that he had lost his patience with me, as he pointed his own gun at me and then BANG!. That's when I jolted up right in bed, panting heavily the sweat forming on my brow. I looked over at the window, to see the sunlight peaking through the gap, I had left in the curtains. I then looked over at my bedside table and picked up the alarm clock to see that it read eight - thirty. I gently placed the alarm clock back down on my bedside table and pulled the covers from over me, swinging my legs around so that they were now dangling over the edge of the bed.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms up towards the ceiling, before puling myself up out of bed, slipping on my slippers and grabbing my dressing gown to keep me warm. I then, turned back to my bed and made it, once that was done, I then, went downstairs to go to the netty and get something to eat. Once again, I was due at work for the millionth time. So, I got myself ready and presentable for that, after I had eaten breakfast. The boys were already at work, I hardly see them much now, as much as I used too, but we are needing every penny that we can get, at the moment and we all have to do our bit.

I got to work and stopped dead in my tracks at the pub doors, for there was a sound, a sound that was like birds singing a sweet melody together, in the summer time. It was a woman singing. It couldn't be one of the regulars I thought, as they haven't been in for ages. So with curiously getting the better of me I walked in to the pub cautiously taking in my surroundings. All the men were sat in silence, facing away from the door, their eyes fixated on the sweet singing that when I turned in the direction of where it was coming from, I was faced with a beautiful slim, tall, elegant woman. She had short blonde hair that went up to her shoulders, high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes and a voice of an angel.

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