Part 4. An Unexpected Invitation.

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A few hours past and it was so busy and warm in the place, that on my break I decided to stand at the door, to get some fresh air. I stood there, watching people go about doing their everyday tasks, from men welding, to just generally walking from place to place. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure approach my direction. Walking along with him, was a magnificent white horse, as the figure came closer, for a moment, I thought I recognised him, but I wasn't entirely certain, as I couldn't see his face, for it was hidden by one of those fashionable peaked caps, that all the men were wearing. The figure, fought with the horse slightly, as the horse was pulling against the reigns and the figure of the man, was having to pull back to stop it. I could have sworn I recognised him, I thought to myself, as I went to go back inside to begin working again, up until my shift was ready to end.

Time got on and it was nearly closing time and I was asked by Harry to mop the floor. Once that was done I was told to take the dirty water in the bucket and chuck it out of the side door. So I opened it and chucked the contents of the bucket out into the street, not realising that someone would be walking past and that someone being a familiar face, I knew, I wished I'd hope to see again, but I wasn't entirely prepared for how soon. "Oh sorry!". I gasped out, as the figure stopped in their tracks and glared at me, the horse stopping with him. The figure, then looked up at me, his face no longer hidden, by his peaked cap. It was him, I jumped back slightly in shock at the realisation, of who it was and he did the same, he probably thinks I'm stalking him or something.

"What are you doing here in Birmingham!". He snapped slightly at me, whilst holding onto the horses reigns, whilst looking down at his shoes, to see if I had marked them, with the water. "Oh, I-I-I-I moved down 'ere, with me father and brother, as they needed to move somewhere different for work and this is where they came up with!". I stuttered out, trying my best not to look him in the eyes, as I clung onto the bucket for dear life. A short silence ascended between us and of course stupid me had to break it and keep him there longer, than what he probably wanted to be. "I'm Rosie by the way". I told him, quickly glancing up at his face and then back down at the ground again. "I know who you are". He said coldly. I was just about to ask him how, but then I thought, I dare not question a man like him, for he may become angry, but then again Harry might have told him of my name, so I decided to change the subject.

"What's his name?". I asked, nodding in the direction of the horse, that was stood waiting patiently for his master, to move along. "He doesn't have a name". He replied. "Aw, the poor little fella deserves a name". I replied. However, my reply was ignored and he carried on talking. "You have something to say to me?". He asked rhetorically. I stood there for a moment, trying to think of what he could mean by that and that I should think of a question to ask fast, incase god knows what he might do, should I not respond, I thought to myself. "The other night you came into the pub when I was singing, you said singing weren't aloud, well I'd like there to be one night a week when there's singing, as I think it would be great for everyone, Saturday nights, Harry was afraid to ask ya so...". I stated, as I did remember that yesterday, Harry did want to ask him, but was to afraid of the reponse he would get, so I said if I got the chance, I would ask him instead.

"But your not". Was all he replied with. I hesitated in replying for a moment, as I felt my breath hitch in my throat, scared to say the wrong things, but my brain was not catching up to my mouth and more words continued to spill out of it, without me even thinking first. "I am, but I don't mind a good old sing song, now and again". I replied back with courage, courage that I had no idea, where it came from, as I am no good in confrontations or fights be that with a man or woman. He looked away from my gaze for a moment, before returning to look back at me. "You sound like one of them rich girls that come from Durham for the races, do you like horses?". He said, but then changed the subject straight after, as he went to the other side of the horse to stroke him. I didn't even get the chance to answer, before he began to speak again.

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