Part 9. The Lee Family.

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It must have been early in the morning when I awoke, however for me I didn't wake up quite peacefully. I woke up startled and gasping for breath, shivering from fright and my heart was pounding in my chest. I had a nightmare. It must have been from all the things, that have occurred over the past few days and it has all, just caught up to me.

In my dream, it was dark and I was outside, I began to walk down an alley way all on my own with no one around, with no idea as to why.Then, from around the corner out came the man, I had shot and killed by accident, a few days ago. I tired to run away from him, but he caught up to me and grabbed me from behind and yanked at my hair and pulled my head back.Then, out from the same corner came Kimber, with a huge smirk upon his face, as he slowly strode up to me and the man holding me against my will. The pair of the men like bloodhounds to a peice of meat, hastingly wrapped a cloth around my face and gagged me, dragged me down to the floor, they both began sniggering and laughing, as one started ripping my clothes off, whilst the other held me down, I tried with all my might to fight and scream, but nothing worked and well, I will let you guess the horrid rest from there.

Once they had both done, what they had done, they dragged me to my feet, still half clothed, with with clothes they had ripped from my body, barley clinging on. Kimber then, held my face within his hand and forced me to look up and stare up into the direction, that lead down to another alley way. Then, from out that alley way walked a familiar face, a person I thought deep down I could trust. It was him...Tommy... he slowly walked over to us and didn't say a word, I was trying my best to mumble stuff under the rag, that was still in my mouth. I tried to wriggle free from the man's grasp, but it was no use, he just held onto my arms tighter. Then, without saying a word, Tommy lifted something to my neck and sliced across it. Causing me, to then scream aloud and wake up from this horrible nightmare and back into reality. Why would he do that to me, I thought to myself.

I took a moment, to help myself process that, it wasn't real and it was a in fact a dream. I removed the blanket that was on me, that wasn't there before I fell asleep, dad must have put it on me to keep me warm, I smiled to myself at the thought of it, swung my legs around from off the sette and sat up straight and grasped the sides of the sette to help steady my nerves and calm my breathing. The roaring fire, was still burning bright as ever, but the dark haze from the outside world, still created shadows upon the walls of the house, I knew it wad still dark. I slowly began to stand up and walk over to the mantelpiece and take a look to see what time it was. It was about half three in the morning, I rubbed my eyes and yawned and stretched up to the ceiling, before putting the fire out and retiring for the night.

Once I had done that, I made my way upstairs trying my best not to wake the boys and I went into my room and went to sleep and I didn't know anything again, until about six thirty again the next morning. Another shift for me it was, so I up and got myself ready, I had some porridge and a slice of toast and just as I was washing up, I heard commotion from next door. Now, now and again I will here the odd shout of John, shouting at one of his kids, but these voices sounded different, they didn't sound English and all, I put the dishes back into the sink, dried my hands on the tea towel, I had by the sink and slowly crept over to the wall that connected both houses, to have a listen.

I heard a load of men shouting, as though they were charging, within the room. "Put that down, put that down!". I heard one man shout. I jumped back for a second, as the shouting was so loud, I thought they were in the room with me. "This is for Cheltenham!". I heard the same voice say. My heart starting racing now, I was at Cheltenham, what do they want with people, who were at Cheltenham. Most importantly, what if it's Tommy who is in there, with his family. I thought to myself. "We're just taking back what's ours!". The voice continued. As the voice continued to talk, it kept my brain ticking over, the voice, sounds Irish. Irish who does Tommy know, who's Irish could it be those two fellas, who he was speaking too, in the snug that day. No they were to cowardly for my liking, to do something like this.

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