Part 10. Our First Kiss.

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I tossed and turned all night, partly due to what had happened with Kimber that day still playing in the back of my mind. I had that same horrible recurring dream once again. I bolted up right in bed and gasped aloud, quickly scanning the room, making myself aware of my surroundings, making sure I was safe. Once I realised where I was, I sighed heavily to myself and shook my head, whilst emerging from under the duvet and getting up to get ready for work, honestly you would think I lived there and just slept here, at this rate.

It took a while, but I finally got to work, doing my usual duties, duties that I could by now do with my eyes closed and stood on one leg. I was working on my own today, that was until Tommy's older brother Arthur, came in told me to help him with getting some crates up, from the cellar and then he went straight into his office and plonked himself down, in his office chair and began to count aloud. So, I did as I was told, as Tommy I can argue with from time to time, but I didn't want to cross Arthur, for word on the street is, sometimes he even batters his own misses about and I've had a fear few knocks from fellas, since being here in Birmingham and I ain't about to have anymore. I carried the first crate up struggling to do so, with how heavy it was. I looked over my shoulder to see that Arhur, could clearly see that I was struggling, as he had his office door wide open but didn't even move an inch to help.

The cheek of him I thought, there I am a not so strong, woman lifting more than half her body weight, backwards and forwards and he can see me doing it, since he has the door wide open and he is just sitting there counting away, ignorant git, I thought to myself. I then, got a strong smell of something that smelt entirely off. I looked around trying to find the reason for the smell, that was until I realised that it was infact the crates of cigarettes that were on the table in front of me. I didn't dare question Arthur, but I needed to know what I was getting myself into, so I plucked up the courage to say something.

"These cigarettes have a strange smell Arthur!". I said to him. I then, took one out of the crate and inspected it further, I've seen a fair few cigarettes in my time and they look like nothing I've seen before, not even have I seen Tommy smoke something like these and he smokes a lot. "They smell like rotting water and look, rats have gotten to them". I said, as I brought the cigarette in my hand and stood by the doorway to show Arthur. Arthur then, snatched the cigarette from my hand and inspected it himself. I then twigged at how they had got here. "There stolen aren't they?". I questioned. "Don't ask". Arthur, finally said something.

"There stolen cos ya keep them on a boat don't ya". I said. "What do you care!". Arthur snapped slightly. "Now can you come and check my adding up please". He demanded, but I was shocked that he actually used manners for a change. I then, smirked at him and I walked over and put the box of cigarettes on the table and pulled the peice of paper, he was working on towards me, to get a better look at what he had done. "You should make a new start with this place ya nar!". I said to him, as I turned tonlook at him. "Do it properly, these cigs aren't fit to sell". I continued.

Arthur picked the packet up and sniffed them. "Smells like Gallipoli". He said. "You could find a new place to store them ya nar". I said. "It has to be far away from coppers". He replied, as he plonked the packet back down on the desk. I chuckled. "But not rats". I laughed. "All the wharfs have rats, Roselyn". Arthur replied. "What's wrong with a dry warehouse?". I asked. "Tommy's orders". Arthur told me. "What orders?". I asked. "Always keep contraband near to petrol boat moorings". He replied. "Don't boats get searched though?". I said. "We moor them at junctions, so there's more than one way out". He told me. "No locks within a mile so we can move stuff fast". He continued.

I nodded and walked away from the desk. "Ya brother doesn't obey the law but he has rules". I said to him. "He's a very precise man your brother". I continued, as I walked out of his office and continued with my work, before we opened up to the public. "Is my adding up right!". Arthur shouted out from his office. I stopped and chuckled to myself. "It is now!". I called back. After a very long and tiring day, it was finally closing time. I walked out of the front of the pub door and locked it. The street quiet and still, as it was late and everyone else had gone home, so I didn't think anyone would be around, at this time.

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