chapter 1

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He felt a very ominous energy that is vaguely disturbing Macau , he was currently not a prince but a normal human being that is going on a journey or we could say , a mission

He was given order to kill someone , he was roaming around the forest , Macau haven't had much freedom since he was a prince , he was always stuck in his room either the castle

Even though he needed to kill someone , he was still happy with getting this mission, he could roam around as much as he wanted to , he walked around , with his large hat covering his hair

He looked up sense a strong energy , he couldn't let his guard down , he continued to walked around until he spotted a person

A woman?

Macau walked nearer , he stopped , he looked around his surrounding , he couldn't figure out about the vague energy that was disturbing him so much , that energy he felt was truly powerful

He let down his guard for a moment and approached a woman , she was laying her back to a tree which was giving her shelter from the burning sun , Macau get on his one knee

Looking at her , that woman had her hair till her shoulders , she was wearing a cloak and a scarf covering her nose and mouth , she had a scar on her left eye , a long mark , she had gloves on

Just when Macau was getting up , he saw the woman unleashed a sword , a pure black sword , the woman swing her sword at him but Macau dodge it by doing a flip , jumping around while dodging the sword

Macau was good at fighting but mostly in defending himself , he is very flexible and agile , his moves were very fast just like the wind itself , Macau had been taught to fight but someone close to him once showed him how to defend himself and be on his guard

Going out of the castle means he's going out to get killed and kill others , he didn't unleashed his sword but he stopped , seeing how skillful she was , she had her sword pointed at Macau's throat

Macau was getting mixed feelings , was it the sword? Why was he feeling a sombre energy , a dark and evil energy , he couldn't detect it , it was very near to him but also very far

Just what the hell is it..

Macau felt a presence behind it , he glanced behind quickly but saw nothing , he furrowed his eyebrows

The fuck is close yet so far..

He clenched his jaw , he looked back at the woman , seeing that she no longer had her sword pointed at his throat

"You're too good at defending yourself for being a traveler"

She said as she looked at him up and down


"Yeah , I've actually was just wandering around and saw you laying down , you're good at fighting"

The woman said nothing and turned away , going somewhere where only she's know where to , Macau followed her

"So what's your name? I'm kind of lost , could you help me?"

Just as the woman looked at him , Macau felt a presence of darkness , it was shown in her eyes

"How come a traveller is lost?"

"You know , not all traveller are good with maps and all"


She rolled her eyes

"My name is Haruka , yours?"

"Such an ugly name.."

How rude! Just where is she even going?

They walked around for a while , Macau was like a lost puppy , he knows he have to go to the Sonorous kingdom but he could at least enjoy his freedom for a while , it wasn't like he was doing anything bad

"Are you gonna tell me your name or?"

Silence , Macau was annoyed , she wasn't answering

"You know , for a woman you're very rude"

The woman stopped , pissed at him , his scarf fell from his mouth and hang on his neck

Ah shit..


The so called woman couldn't finished her sentence as they both realised a portal was immediately opened underneath them , they both fell and landed somewhere unknown , they collided with each other


Macau lauched on the so called woman's back

"Get the fuck off me!"

Macau immediately get off the person , they both stood up , Macau took a closer look

So he's a man..

The man looked at him and was pissed , it was awkward for Macau , he scratched the back of his neck

"So um , I'm sorry , I didn't know you were a man"


Where did we land? So troublesome..

Macau looked around his surroundings

"A village?"

Macau had many questions , where and why was he here? How did that happened? Why did a portable formed underneath them? Where were they? Who took them here?


Macau grabbed the man's collar and made him dodged a knife

"Seems like we aren't in a normal village.."

Macau furrow his eyebrows

This isn't good..I have a bad feeling about this

"You can let go of my collar"

"Oh yeah , sorry"

Macau let go of his collar


"By the way , you still didn't tell me your name"


"Come on , I ain't gonna bite"

But he stayed silent , Macau gave up , the man started walking and Macau followed him

"Why're you following me?"

"Let's just say that I kind of don't know where I am so all I can do is follow you?"

Macau grinned , the man's mouth twitched

"Do not fucking follow me , go where the hell you want , just don't follow me"

And Macau stopped


The man soon disappeared , Macau could no longer see him and he couldn't give a fuck about it he was always alone so he shrugged it off , Macau yawn , he let out a sigh , he roam around the forest for a while , minutes went for hours

But he came back to his starting point and it weirded him out , he came back to the same village , another weird aura he was feelings , that aura was strong

What the hell..

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