chapter 5

188 12 1

Macau's pov


I was laying on the bed , thinking about yesterday , what the hell happened..I don't know how , Kim was sleeping beside me , It was already morning , last night was an awkward night , after he kissed me , we both were silent and went to bed , I stood up but suddenly I was pinned on the bed , I opened my eyes 

Seeing Kim awake , I looked away , I couldn't look into his eyes , they were pitch black , darkness , he was silent , so awkward..


I was silent , I tried to remove my hands from his grasp but failed to do so , he tilted my chin , making me look at him

"We need to talk"

"A-about what?.."

I tried to look away

"Look at me when I talk"

His voice was firm and steady

"You know what I want to talk"

"I have no clue what you're talking about.."

"About the kiss last night"

I blushed , I could feel my face hot

"I-it was just a mistake"

I stuttered

"We both know it wasn't a mistake"

He furrowed his eyebrows , I gluped , my eyes averted away , away from his eyes


He breaths on my neck

"What're you-"

I bite my lower lip when I realised he bite my neck

"What're we?"


These past few days , I realised I got attached to him..was it love? I have never fallen in love before..maybe it was because I was always in the castle , but why a man? I was attracted to a man , was this why I never had these types of feelings around woman?

I let out a sigh

"Macau , I like you"

He stood up and I sat up


He buried my face within his chest , it feels warm..the warmth I'm feeling right now is just relaxing..

"Just give me a chance"

He whispered in my ear

"I will"

I'm willing to give him a chance , I maybe feel the same way as him or I'm just attracted by his charm , giving him a chance is a good thing , maybe I might fall in love? Besides..having someone love isn't gonna be the death of me

He looked at me , giving me these soft eyes that I've never seen , he suddenly kissed him

"Thank you for giving me a chance"

I nod my head and smile

"Let's visit the town"

He nodded , I went to take a shower and put some clothes on , I still had time for my mission , although I don't know what the prince of the Sonorous kingdom looks like , I'll not let him leave , we went out of the inn and took some fresh air ,looking outside , the town looked joyful , there were people selling and buying food





A necklace?

"What's this for?"

"For you of course"

When did he get a necklace? The necklace was pretty , a small moon around the moon , I smiled , it was gorgeous

"Let me put it on you"

I nodded , he put it on my neck

"Thanks , it's pretty"

I said as I smiled at him, for a moment I thought I saw him smiled , maybe it's just my imagination?

We roam around the town , I saw some kids playing , some others who're occupied with other things , doing business , the town wasn't as cold as the previous one , the previous town that we visited were cold , there were no business , food tasted bad , I believe it was almost poisoned

"Let's go out of the town , let's see if we can found other towns around here"


I said as I saw Kim looking around , looking around the surrounding , the forest was dark and have an unpleasant feeling

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