chapter 12

139 13 1

Macau's pov

"Yes , I am the prince of the sonorous kingdom"


I was betrayed

I never knew that the one who would betray me would be..

Kim , my own love , the one who I trusted , the one who I though loved me

I was wrong

My heart was aching

It's like my heart just stopped beating for a moment

"You're joking , right?"

My voice trembled , he shaked his head , he wasn't joking , my tears swelled in my eyes

"Macau , I understand that our kingdom are enemies but please , we can still work this out"

I look down

"We can't"

I said in a steady voice , I looked up , I could feel my tears streaming down my face but I control myself

"Why can't we?"

I wish to never have to answer that question

"You think you're the only 'prince' here?"

His eyes widen

"That's right , I am the Prince of the Frost kingdom , we're pure enemies"

He looked shocked and betrayed..just like me..

"Goodbye Kim"

I dropped my knife and put on my mask , I wipe my tears and left the ball , I hop on the horse and started crying , God why is life so unfair? Just why!? The horse started to run , it was snowing

The night was so dark and cold

The cold breeze hit me 

Life is unfair

I want to go home

I want to go back to where I haven't meant him

I wish to have neverr meant him

I wish to never have fallen for him

I wish to have never love him

I wish I could do my mission without meeting him

I wish I could go back to the past and ignore him

I wish to never have been a prince

I wish we would've never been enemies

I wish our kingdoms were never enemies

I wish I would've never gave him my heart

I wish to have never loved him

And yet

I still love him

My heart couldn't accept it

I couldn't accept the truth

I just couldn't

Kim's pov

I was hyperventilating , I couldn't breath properly , what? The prince of the Frost kingdom? Why have I never noticed it? Why did I fell in love? I put my hand on my face , letting the tears drip down , why the fuck did it happened to me? Why!?

"Why me!?"

Yelling does nothing..I started to cough more , I spit blood on the floor , now I understand , his purpose was to kill the prince , me , I never knew it , thats why he didn't tell me , that's why , I saved him countless time without realising who he was

But I can't , I love him , I love him too much , I still can't believe he's a prince , my heart was shattered into pieces , I heard a knock

"Come i-"

I started to cough again , I spit more blood , fuck , my health is getting more and more unwell these weeks now

"My prince! Are you alright!?"

I heard a voice , it was one of my guard , the guard who I only trust in this castle , han , he's my best guard , he always kept an eye on me , he wasn't only my guard but also my friend

"We must tell the king!"

I grabbed his wrist and shaked my head

"Don't tell anyone about this"

I was feeling weak

"Please Han , I trust you to not tell anyone about this , you're the only one who know about this"

He was silent for a moment but nodded his head , I let out a sigh , Macau..I'm sorry..

"Guard outside my door for tonight"

"Yes my prince"

I layed down on the bed as he went outside , my tear slips out of my eye

What a nightmare..

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