chapter 2

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Macau ran through the forest , night has fallen and he was still roaming around , he heard walling sounds , he tried to ignored it but the more he tried to escape the sounds , the more he was feeling weak , he pant , he was infront of a forest , a crowded forest where the branches were extremely weird

Almost got killed , Macau wasn't expecting , no he didn't even feel the presence that someone was here


"I owned you that one , now we're even"

A knife almost stabbed his back but it was lucky enough that the guy had grabbed his wrist


Macau panted when suddenly his shoulder started hurting

What the hell?!

"You got scratched by the branches"

Macau looked at the guy , the guy furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at him

"The branches contains a dark power which a witch consists of , when it touches you or scratched you , it will slowly reduce your power and you will feel weak till you faint"

Macau realised that when he was running , he actually fell down earlier , his leg was caught in the branches did I not notice it?..

"Drink this"

He threw a small bottle at Macau and he caught it , Macau looked suspicious but drank it

"You own me one"

"Do I?"

Macau smirked , he was feeling alright now , his power was no longer decreasing , he actually felt better

Macau saw a house , a huge house

"A house?"

But I saw nothing's impossible

"This is a witch's dimension"

The guy looked at Macau's direction

"Everything around us is an illusion , we are actually in a house right now"

As soon as Macau said this , they were immediately found in a house , it was true , everything was just an illusion , it wasn't real

"It was an illusion but the witch's power still worked"

Macau looked around , seeing books flying , he felt some presence

This aura..

"I thought I killed you"

The guy said with an orotund voice , Macau looked over and saw a witch with long brown silky hair wearing a hat , the witch smirked 

"Oh dear , it's been a while"

A red witch..?..

The witches shown on their colors based which rank level they're , a black witch is a 5-7th ranking , a purple witch is a 3-4th ranking

A first ranking witch..

Macau looked up as the witch laughed maniacally , he had an uneasy feeling about it

"You think you can kill a witch?"

She giggled but stopped when she saw Macau

"My , my , what a pretty boy we have cute he is.."

As Macau looked into her eyes , he realised who she was , she was the red witch also known as the devil's assistant , relais , no one has ever defended her ever

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