Chapter 11: Discreet but Obvious

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"I told you she uses vulgar language."

"I'm aware of that, Wheeljack. Why are you even here?"

"Ratchet chained my pede to the cot."

"Dear Primus," Ultra Magnus sighed.

Wheeljack laughed, but he was interrupted by a fit of coughing, and wheezed until his breathing went back to normal. Ultra Magnus looked at him, slightly concerned, and then turned back to Verdant once the wrecker started glaring defensively.

"Verdant, wake up," the commander shook her shoulder roughly.

"Go frag yourself," she mumbled, her servo smacking his arm weakly.

He frowned. "Verdant, you look so much like Soundwave."

"What?" her optics onlined. "Are we under attack, sir?"

"That's your first assumption?" Wheeljack snorted.

"No, we are not," he stood up fully and crossed his arms. "I need you to look something up for me. It is of the utmost importance."

Verdant wracked her processor. "Not all of my databases are running yet. I had to shut them down to save energy."

He nodded and pulled a computer from his subspace, shielding it from Wheeljack's view. "Not with your personal archives."

"Is that Agent Fowler's?" she asked quietly.

Ultra Magnus leaned closer and lowered his voice so that Wheeljack couldn't hear. "I need you to search this for mentions of a 'Project Skylight'."

Verdant nodded and gently took the device, only inserting the feelers on her servos into the keyboard. She quickly ran through the data in the small computer and handed it back to Ultra Magnus, who swiftly placed it in his subspace again.

"You guys are being very secretive and suspicious over there," Wheeljack told them loudly.

"Quiet, soldier," Ultra Magnus ordered sharply.


Verdant cleared her throat. "He's marked it down as an intelligence operation investigating the whereabouts of a terrorist organization called MECH, which hunted cybertronians before its leader was killed during a battle between Optimus and a clone of Optimus, known as Nemesis Prime."

"What results has the operation yielded?"

"Just general intel regarding members, facilities, allies, and research," Verdant explained.

Ultra Magnus frowned. "Anything more specific on what Project Skylight is doing with that research?"

"Basement protocols," she answered. "They're locking it all up to avoid exposing the presence of extraterrestrial life, especially after the incident in Nevada with Darkmount. Fowler and a few unnames delegates in the Pentagon are the only ones with access to it."

"Hmm," Ultra Magnus stood up fully. "Thank you. I will inform Optimus of what you've told me. When you are feeling better, I will fully debrief you on the situation."

"I'm feeling fine," Verdant told him, swinging her legs to get up.

He held out a servo. "When your databases and systems are all running normally, then you can be considered feeling better."

She sighed. "Yes, sir."

Ultra Magnus nodded and left the room.

"So what was that about?" Wheeljack questioned.

"If you were allowed to know, don't you think we would've been less discreet?"

"I'm pretty certain that I'm allowed to know, but Ultra Magnus didn't want to deal with me."

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