Chapter 37: Verdant v.s. Soundwave

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Shit gets graphic. You now have fair warning.

The Decepticon communications officer turned around as she approached, as if sensing her goal. Verdant raised her blaster and pointed it at his helm, glaring ferociously. Soundwave did nothing but stand there, his visor glinting in the dim purple lights.

"Step away from the controls, Soundwave, or I'll step through you," she threatened.

He stepped forward.

Verdant took a step back. "I don't want to terminate you, but I will."

His servos rose, slowly, and he pulled off his visor, showcasing a rather young face, with red optics that clashed with his paint. A thick weld line ran across his face, from his audio retrievers to just below his intake.

"You are a tratior," Soundwave told her. "How could you even consider terminating me? One of your own?"

"You tried to terminate me," Verdant sneered. "Get out of my way."

Soundwave clenched his servos. "The Autobots didn't just try to terminate you, they tried to terminate everyone in Steelbend and you're just going to let them get away with that!?"

"It's war!" Verdant yelled. "We were the bad guys!"

"What about the children!? The innocents?!"

Verdant fired a warning shot near his helm. "You know the Decepticons are evil, and so are you. This is your last warning."

Soundwave's emotional facade tightened into a sadistic grin. "Well, manipulating you again was worth a shot. I'll take just as much satisfaction out of tearing out your spark."

He reattached his visor.

Verdant shot at him, getting off a single blast before she was hit from behind, small but painful blasts peppering her back. She yelped and fell before, rolling around and raising her blaster as Lazerbeak fired.

Soundwave stepped forward and kicked the blaster away before slamming his pede down on her. "Do you know how long it has been since I last got to terminate someone? Lord Megatron keeps me cooped up in here all the time. I'll be sure to remember you."

"Frag you!" Verdant slashed at his legs with her knife, but the TIC seemed to have anticipated that.

He knelt down and grabbed her wrist, twisting the blade inward and pushing it toward her spark. Verdant panicked, grabbing it with her other servo and trying to stay alive.

"I'll carve out your spark," Soundwave told her. "And I'll give it to Lazerbeak since you invaded his datacore. Imagine all the sensitive Autobot intel he'll have at his disposal."

Verdant growled. She couldn't let that happen. She knew the location of hundreds of Autobot refugee sites across the galaxy. Soundwave could terminate thounsands of Autobots and neutrals with that information.

Luckily, she had a plan to avoid that.

A groundbridge swirled to life, allowing Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack to fall through into the bridge. Soundwave's helm snapped up in surprise, and he glanced back at his control panel, where Verdant had discreetly connected her tentacles and overridden his control over the Decepticon groundbridge systems.

"You—" Verdant cut him off by pushing her knife up, into his weakened grip, and stabbing his servo.

"Ah!" he jumped back, standing up, and leaving himself completely defenseless to Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack, who both immediately rained down blaster-fire on him.

Verdant's optics whipped around as she scrambled to her pedes, and she lunged at Lazerbeak. The minicon swerved toward Soundwave and attached himself to the TIC's chassis.

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