Chapter 12: Queen of the Data

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Verdant looked around the abandoned MECH base and frowned. "Sir, this doesn't look like a human facility where Optimus and his clone were battling. It's in pristine condition."

"As I am aware, this isn't the building. MECH attempted to lure the Autobots out, but not to their main base. That would have been foolish," Ultra Magnus explainsd.

She nodded. "Fowler is positive this is their main base, then?"


Verdant continued crawling forward and reached a small surveillance room. It was exactly where the blueprints Fowler provided said it would be. A small door led to another room, which contained MECH's files.

"I found it," Verdant informed him.

Ultra Magnus sat down in the hallway. "Will you being going gray?"

"No, sir," she shook her helm. "That's never wise in enemy territory."

"Then I would like to discuss something with you as you work."

Verdant slipped a tentacle into the files room and another attached to a surveillance monitor. "Please feel free to, sir."

"We've been in space for some time," Ultra Magnus pointed out. "Alone. Together. I've found it difficult acclimating to this team, especially with the wrecker..."

"Wheeljack?" Verdant asked. "Yes, he doesn't exactly respect the chain of command, but he is a good bot."

Magnus frowned. "I've realized that, but I don't understand how he could simply ignore my orders all the time without regard. It's very annoying and not to mention, dangerous."

She nodded. "There's nothing we can do about it."

"I've considered requesting that Optimus kick him out of the base until he can pull his act together."

Verdant paused. "I think that would make him only more upset."

"Upset?" the commander scoffed. "Wheeljack has been risking lives and disobeying his superiors. I am the one who is upset. He won't listen to me!"

"He shouldn't do that," Verdant agreed.

Ultra Magnus groaned. "I don't think the other Autobots feel the same way. They've been following orders, but never with the same respect that you do. When they think I'm not listening, they complain about it as if I've come to Earth simply to pester them."

"Optimus's command methods are different than yours, but they'll get used to it."

"I worry that it's me who will get used to them and not the other way around."

Verdant sighed. "You just need to remain hopeful, sir."

Ultra Magnus looked at her. "This experience has made me realize how grateful I am that it is you I was marooned in space with."

She smiled softly. "I am glad it was you as well."


After the conclusion of their mission, the two returned to base and Verdant downloaded MECH's decrypted data to a harddrive for Agent Fowler. Of course, not until after she excluded nearly all the research regarding cybertronian technology.

With it, he should be able to easily find and arrest whatever members of MECH were still on the run and shut down their operation for good. With it came a chilling discovery regarding what happened to MECH's former leader, but there was nothing they could do about it now.

But now that human favors were repaid, she had real Autobot work to do. Verdant pulled her attention to the main computer and settled down in a chair next to Ratchet, who didn't even acknowledge her presence, too busy with his optics two centimeters away from the screen as he examined a formula.

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