Chapter 25: Fragging Seeker

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"It was bad enough having one Soundwave around," Starscream barely cast her a glance as he walked over to the predacon with an electric rod in servo. "Now I've got to personally deal with one. I think Megatron did this simply to annoy me."

Verdant was determined to have at least one friendly on this ship, aside from the silent Soundwave, so she approached Starscream and smiled sympathetically. She could play heartstrings if needed.

"I know how you feel, the wreckers did the same to me back on Cybertron," Verdant told him. "The best remedy is to make them think you enjoy it. To thrive in what they thought would be suffocating."

Starscream glanced at her. "How could I possibly enjoy dealing with you and this mindless beast?"

Verdant looked at the predacon. "I know a thing or two on animal psychology that might prove useful in training."

"Oh?" Starscream scoffed. "Does that include detailed research on an extinct predacon species?"

"Well, no," Verdant frowned. "But-"

"My training methods are superior," Starscream jabbed the predacon with the rod. "That's why I'm the sec-"

The predacon snapped the rod in half and pounced on Starscream, denta flashing in the sunlight as he attempted to rip off the SIC's helm.

"HELP ME!" Starscream screamed. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE, YOU FOOL!"

Verdant panicked and looked around for a weapon, but fraggit, even if she was carrying around a blaster and a sword, she couldn't manage to dent the predacon. Didn't Starscream know she was here because she worth less than scrap combat situations?

She scrambled through her datalogs and located a whistle meant to neutralize animalistic minicons and wild cyberanimals. Taking a chance, Verdant transfered the data to her speakers and blasted the noise through the room.

The predacon ignored the noise.

Yeah, so the chance was wasted. Frag.

Verdant ran forward and grabbed the predacon's shoulder. "Get off of him!"

The predacon snapped at her and jumped off of Starscream before prowling around both of them, looking pissed.

"I thought this was combat training!" Verdant exclaimed as she helped Starscream to his pedes.

"Yeah, just not the traditional type," Starscream glared at the predacon. "If you aren't terminated by the time we've forced him into submission, I'd say you improved."

"What?" Verdant looked at the predacon. "But we-"

He pounced.

"Ah!" Verdant lunged to the side and narrowed avoided getting turned into a metal shish-kabob.

"Grab his tail!" Starscream yelled, flying around the predacon in a manner that could, maybe, have been considered a distraction.

Desperate to not die and used to taking orders from trustworthy superiors, Verdant sprinted a few sort steps before tackling the beast's tail. He roared before raising it up and repeatedly slamming her into the ground. Verdant held on for dear life. As she was being pummeled, a realization came to her that she was getting beaten into scrap because she was holding the tail.

The moment she let go, Verdant was flung through the air and yeeted over the side of the warship.

"COULD THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE!?" Verdant demanded as she fell through the atmosphere.

No, she would just fragging die, right here, right now. It was going to be a massive pain in the aft.

She could only imagine all the stupid slag that Wheeljack would write on her gravestone.

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