Chapter 22: Decepticon Compatriot

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Verdant's curled fist wasted no time in slammed into Ultra Magnus's face. It was a single punched and not well-aimed, but enough to send the commander stumbling back, servo grasping at his cheek. His optics became incredibly wide, intake open, and his entire frame emitted shock.

The room became deathly silent. All optics were on them.

Verdant was breathing heavily, something incredibly dark clouding her optics.

"You knew," she stated lowly.

"What?" Ultra Magnus put his servo down slowly. "About what?"

Verdant seethed. "The Decepticons could fly. They bombed cities themselves, not with ballons. The Autobots were the first ones to search Steelbend for survivors! Because they were already there! The science division bombed Steelbend under your orders because Steelbend was working with Megatron to steal groundbridge technology!"

Ultra Magnus's expression shattered. "I... meant to tell you someday..."

Verdant vented heavily, her optics wild. "THAT YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!?"

"I had to," he whispered, stepping forward and reaching for her. "There was no oth—"

Verdant screamed and jumped, pouncing onto the commander and tackling him to the floor. Ultra Magnus pathetically fought against her, trying to minimize damage to both of them, but Verdant held nothing back. Her servos dug into his neck cables, ripping them free until he caught her wrists. Verdant transformed her servo into a knife and plunged it down, struggling to ram the blade into his optic.

"Verdant!" Wheeljack's arms wrapped around her waist and he dragged her off of him.

She writhed against him, desperately slashing her weapon at Ultra Magnus. "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY! YOU'VE USED ME LIKE A PUPPET ALL THESE YEARS! YOU SLAGHEAP! YOU GLITCH! YOU FRAGGING MONSTER!"

Ultra Magnus struggled to stand up, holding his leaking neck tightly. His optics were trained on her, and he looked absolutely devastated.

Verdant didn't care. She didn't care about his feelings. She just wanted to see him burn. She wanted to rip him apart like a swarm of scraplets.

"Verdant, please," Ultra Magnus walked forward. "Listen to me. I can explain."

"EXPLAIN WHAT!?" Verdant screamed and thrashed as Wheeljack pinned her arms to her sides and bearhugged her. "YOU THINK REASONS WILL CHANGE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? HOW YOU SLAUGHTERED EVERYONE I KNEW!?"

Optimus and Ratchet ran into the room, looking at the scene before them in confusion. They had surely heard her screams from the hallway, but nothing was making sense. Bulkhead and Wheeljack didn't understand either, nor did the four humans who watched everything.

The only ones with answers were Verdant and Ultra Magnus, one of which was usually the most composed femme on the planet but currently acting like a maniac, while the other looked genuinely terrified.

"It was war," Ultra Magnus told her. "It was the most tactical deci—"

"FRAG YOUR EXCUSES!" Lubricant poured down Verdant's face while she kicked and bucked against Wheeljack in every possible direction. "AND FRAG YOU! I'LL TERMINATE YOU, ULTRA MAGNUS! I SWEAR TO PRIMUS, I'LL DESTROY YOU!"

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Optimus roared, landing between them with his arms outstretched.

"Optimus," Ultra Magnus's optics were wide. "It's not her fault."

"OF COURSE IT SLAGGING ISN'T!" Verdant screamed furiously. "IT'S YOURS!"

"Wheeljack, get her out of here," Optimus ordered.

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