Chapter 23: Nemesis

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Never in a million years would Verdant have imagined herself being escorted to the Decepticon control bridge at the side of Soundwave himself, unbound and amicable. She was exhausted from all the earlier fighting in the Autobot base, and her energon levels were dangerously low, but there was another type of fuel burning in her tanks and flaring violently in her optics.

Spite. Fury.


Verdant watched as the doors slid open and the vehicons guarding them did their best not to stare as Soundwave and her walked inside. There, sitting on her throne, was the one and only Megatron.

She had never met him in person—most Autobots couldn't boast of surviving an encounter with the ruthless warlord.

"Soundwave," Megatron didn't bother to stand, but as the two stopped before him, he examined Verdant from helm to articulators, his optics calculating and cold. "I see the femme you spoke of has finally decided to grace us with her presence."

The communications officer nodded.

Megatron finished his inspection. "You're not a combatant."

"No, I'm not," Verdant frowned. "But I will be."


"I want to terminate Ultra Magnus."

Megatron flashed a humorous grin. "That is not such an easy task to accomplish, little Autobot."

"I'm not an Autobot," Verdant snapped. "But I would be willing to join the Decepticons... if you will have me. Lord Megatron."

The warlord leaned back and looked at Soundwave, who had been standing there, silent and immobile, as he listened to the conversation. "I believe the more important factor is whether or not Soundwave will have you. He is, after all, the recruiter of all my more interesting soldiers."

Soundwave nodded.

Megatron clasped his servos together. "Excellent. Then I commend you, little Decepticon, for having joined the winning team. You will report directly to Soundwave in all endeavors."

The warlord glanced at Soundwave. "You will be responsible for her, just as you were responsible for Makeshift. Send a recording of this meeting to Starscream so he does not do anything violent to our newest... member. You are both dismissed."

With a quick nod, Soundwave turned away and Verdant glanced between the two mechs before following the communications officer.

"You didn't say much," Verdant noted.

"I don't speak in public," Soundwave muttered. "Or to anyone I don't like."


Soundwave approached a set of vaguely familiar doors before they slid open, allowing both of them access. Verdant tilted her helm. The med-bay.

A cherry-red bot looked over from where he was trying to buff his back and his optics widened. "Oh! Soundwave! Uh, I definitely already looked at whatever you pinged me a moment ago."

There was a pause before Knockout ran forward and grabbed Verdant's arm. "I'll get her registered in no time, boss."

Soundwave nodded before leaving the room.

Verdant looked at Knockout. "Registered?"

"Eh," Knockout shrugged. "The better term would be 'repainted and reemblemed,' but I'll also scan your frame and upload it to the database too. We Decepticons keep very organized records of our members."

"Do I require repainting?"

"No," Knockout frowned. "But most defectors usually want to look different after leaving the Autobots. Some even take new designations."

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