Chapter 20

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As the wolves emerged, growls came from every direction, including mine. Xavier's wolf got into a fighting stance, snarling at this new onset of wolves. It took me a minute to realize they were my own pack members.

We were severely outnumbered, and I could only guess what they were thinking.

I swatted at Xavier, trying to get his attention, but his eyes remained focused on the new intruders. I tried getting into his head using our new found bond, but he had blocked me out. I then tried my pack members in an attempt to make them stand down, being as i was the only one in sight still in my human form. I banged on my pack members walls, but they were trying their hardest to keep me out of their heads aswell. What the hell?

I tried making my way around Xavier but he kept blocking me. I was tired of this and decided to leap over him and shift into my wolf form. My mistake. Mid air Xavier's hind legs kicked me backwards where I landed on the ground with a thud. Now it wasn't my pack members I was growling at.

I got up and tackled Xavier to the ground. He yelped in surprise at my sudden aggression, but I wouldn't tolerate another second of this. What happened to being equals? It doesn't start with him treating me like a weak little defenseless female. I grabbed him by the scruff and refused to let go, holding him like a pup with my teeth. If he was going to act like I child, I would treat him like one. I shook my head as I stayed latched on to the loose skin in between his shoulder blades. In the background I heard the pounding of paws against the ground, but didn't take notice of what was really happening.

As I turned my head if but only for a moment, my pack members leapt toward us, charging my mate in a flurry of growls and snarls. I find myself caught in the midst of a swirling mass, unable to stay on my feet. I am tackled along with him. In all the madness, I become the recipient of some of the bites I am sure are aimed at my mate. I nip back in warning at my pack members. An opening for escape out of this, literal, dog pile appears, and I take it, leaping forward onto open ground.

I hear snarling then whimpering behind me, a certain males whimper that makes my stomach drop. By the time I turn around they have him. They really have him, he' s bloodied and wincing at the weight of those holding him down, and the bites and scratches all over his wolf form. I truly feel useless now. I feel like what I would imagine becoming a Luna would be like, watching everything unfold before you and being either unable or incapable of doing anything about it.

I was in a daze as more werewolves in their human forms rushed into the field towards the chaos. Most came to me, examining me, asking me questions, but it was all just muted noises in the background. All I could see, were the few rushing towards my mate with silver shackles and wolfs bane injectors. I wanted to be able to do something, my wolf was growling at me in outrage that I would allow them to touch our mate, but I was petrified. Even with strange hands roaming my body searching for wounds, I remained perfectly fixated on the body of my mate.

His breath was uneven and forced, and I could see the blood dripping out of his mouth, and felt sick to my stomach as my heart dropped in sorrow.

I felt hands tracing over the mark, followed by terrifying growls before the wolves launched themselves at an already weak Xavier, when I snapped back to reality.

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