Chapter 9

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Sydney POV

I ran. I ran and I didn't stop. When I got home last night.. no, that's it, I didn't get home last night. I tried, but the pain in my heart became to much for me. I know he didn't say he rejected me, but I felt that way. Our bond as mates had weakend, It wasnt as strong as a pull in the back of my head, I felt like I was losing him. That one day, the bond would just be gone, like it never even existed. Why would his father call me Alex. Was he cheating on me? Was I not good enough for him? and with my best friend... I shifted and let my wolf take total control over my body, and I don't care. By now I think we are somewhere out of Minnesota, and the sun is about to come up. My wolf stopped to rest by the lake to watch it. I loved the sun. So pure, so constant. The sun never falters, never forgets to rise, never forgets to caress the earth with its healing beams of light. As the sun made it over the trees, I basked in the the bright morning light, the rays reaching to touch every single fur on my body.

My white wolf had had her fill of sunlight and moved on. she'd been weaving our way around territories all night and I thought about resting for a while, but she didn't seem to want to change back.

She took off suddenly back into the tree line before I even knew what was happening. She stopped abruptly looking down at some wolves. Not werewolves, but actually normal wolves. None of them seemed to mind her sudden appearance, they actually treated her like she had been with them for years. I knew my wolf was too shy, so I took control for a split second to bark at them. I knew she dearly wanted to play with their pups but was just to shy to ask. they love the idea as they all started playing and I was simply the passenger. After a few hours, the pack showed me to a cave I could take shelter in for the time being. As they started to depart back to their own home, one of the pups came up to my wolf. It was grey with white paws and face. it was so sweet and gentle. I hope my pups would be like this, but, ya know, human...

I began to think. Did I want Xavier's pups? Of course, they would be so rascally, and probably a handful, but I would love them all. I wanted Xavier, but did Xavier want me?

I felt so petty and childish for feeling this way. All I was going on was assumptions.

The pup was so small, the size of my own paw considering werewolves are huge, 5 times the size of a normal wolf. It yipped excitedly at me until it's mother called it home.

I retreated farther into the cave where I found some dried grass, enough that with my thick coat, would make a very comfortable sleeping place. I curled up and my wolf and my wishes to sleep overtook us as we were enveloped into darkness.

Xavier's POV

The fluorescent lights burned as I tried opening my eyes. I squinted and my eyes slowly began to focus. I started to make out blunt objects, and slowly details became more visible. It was then when I saw my father sleeping on the chair beside me that I realized. I was in the hospital. The memories of what I think was last night came flooding back and I surpressed a feral growl after I realized that I had killed them all, which gave me a great deal of satisfaction. I sniffed the air hoping to catch her delectable scent of apples and cinnamon, but I could not hide my growl when I smelt it mixed in with the scent of my dad.

He startled awake and looked at me instinctively while his eyes held the greatest amount of confusion and worry I've ever seen in an alpha's eyes. I calmed my self enough to find out where she was.

"Mate..." I asked as confusion and worry seeped onto my face. What had happened to her after I passed out?

"Calm down Xavier, Alex is fine," he paused as a great mount of relief washed over me, until I realized he wasn't finished, "I think..."

Rage bubbles inside new and I tried to suppress it so I could avoid ripping someone's throat out, "What do you mean you think?! What happened!?" I growled.

"Control your behavior and I'll tell you." he spat now irritated with my behavior.

He sighed heavily, "Well she brought you back. She was wearing a sweatshirt I assume was yours considering the rest of her, and she'd carried you on your shoulder into our territory so you could get help for that nasty rouge bite. Then after I had sent you to the pack doctor, since the barbecue was still going strong, I decided I might as well introduce your little mate to the pack as their future Luna. It seemed like a good idea at the time since pack members were growling at her, so I presented Alex to them and she ran away." I don't think I can control my wolf much longer. "I sent some wolves to get her but she was too fast."

"Where. Is. She." I asked through clenched teeth.

"I- I don't know son," he said keeping eye contact to calm me, but it wasn't working. "I sent a spy over to her pack but they seemed frantic, she wasn't found in pack lands so they were asking other packs to watch out for her and were sending search parties."

"I have to go find her."


"I will father and you can't stop me!"

"Xavier! Don't! You are barely healed, and if you run into any Devils, their territory or not, they will try to kill you"

"Yes, they will try" I said as I stormed out of the hospital. As soon as I was outside I shifted. My wolf healed my wound as we ran to the pack house. I couldn't stop thinking about my mate. God I'm such an idiot. She probably thinks I'm the worst person in the world. That I'm going to reject her, or I'm cheating on her with her beta. I could only imagine the pain she could be feeling.

I jumped up and ran Into the house, still in my wolf form. We had made sure all the halls were wide enough and high enough ceilings so that we didn't have to worry about shifting without clothes, embarrassing ourselves or starting some big fights because of overprotective mates. As I ran through the house I'm sure I've scared many a small child, and maybe even their parents.

I charged through my door, sliding a bit on the hardwood floors and my claws scratched the floor. I shifted and ran to my closet, where it got some suitable clothes. I grabbed my phone and as soon as I was out the door I was approached by a certain blonde haired beta.

"Hey boss," he said walking up to me then noticing my anger, "whoa what's wrong with you, trouble with the mate" he winked and jabbed me in the side with his elbow. My eyes snapped to him, black, and his face became one of terror.

"Come with me" I stated and grabbed him by his left forearm. He tried to protest but I just kept dragging him along with me. I walked out to my huge black ram truck with Cameron in tow. I was on a mission. A mission for my mate.

I shoved Cameron in the car and he had enough.

"Dude! What the fuck is going on!?" he screamed as I drove down our driveway like a mad man.

"It's about Sydney, she thinks I'm cheating on her with her beta. She didn't get back to her pack last night. You and me are going after her. You're the only person I can trust. If anyone else knew, they'd tell my father and kill her."

"What the fuck man? Who is Sydney?"

As we rushed down the road I explained everything.

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