Chapter 13

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Xavier's POV

I tackled the son of a bitch to the floor.  I was beyond livid when smelled his scent over hers.  He was trying to find her to, the swine.  I was ready to start throughing punches when he showed me his neck in submission.  I got a good wif and smelt his pack.  Red Devil.

But why on earth would a Devil submit to me? a pale?

I was confused but that didn't stop my wolf from making my canines elongated, then try to swoop down and rip his throat out.  He only stopped when he said something that took guts to say the least, but may get him killed if my wolf takes it the wrong way.  I struggled to surpress my wolf but finally managed to retake control.

"How do I know you are not lying, you are a Devil after all." I stated, very hesitant, what if he was actually Micheal their stupid beta trying to steal my mate.

"Because I'm the one who untied her from that tree last night!"  I stared at him, shocked, "She mind - linked me to go outside out territories and mask my scent, I did, and I only understood when I saw her stripped down and tied to that God forsaken tree," he growled through gritted teeth.  "She told me who you were to her when I almost slit your throat,"  this time I growled at him.  He put his hands up in surrender, "She explained you saved her, you, Xavier Carmichael, her mate.  You were injured, and against my better judgement she asked me to help take you back to your territory."

"Where is she." I stated, enough of this cat and mouse, I can kill him after I get my mate back.

"She's in a cave on north point, up that mountain," he nodded towards the cliff face.

"How do we get up there?" I demanded when I realized he wasn't paying attention to me anymore.

"Alex what are you doing with these pales!?" he almost screamed.

Cameron growled at him fiercely before Alex placed a hand on his chest, then turning back to the were.  "Sam, Cameron's my mate..." She told him hesitantly.

"WHAT?!" He yelled squirming beneath me.

"How do we get up there?!" I repeated.

"I'm sorry, but... I'm not sorry", she said resting her head on Cam's chest.  This 'Sam' looked beyond mad.  "Listen, they came around looking for Sydney, and I'm helping them, and you are too."

They were ignoring me.

"No way in hell am I helping pales, helping out Sydney cause her mate could die is one thing, searching for her cause her mate fucked up is another"

They. Were. Ignoring. Me.

"She just misunderstood,  he still loves her, you will understand when you find your mate,"  I could feel Sam stiffen beneath me.

Enough of this...

"HOW DO WE GET UP THE GODDAMN MOUNTAIN!?!?" I yelled in my alpha tone.  They all flinched away from me, but at least that finally got their attention.

"Follow me," I got off of him and gave him a hand up and we all set off around the mountain to my beautiful mate.

We all started running, following 'Sam' up the mountain to find my Sydney.  Sam was was way slower than me, but definitely trying to keep the pace with Alex and Cameron.  He shifted and got more speed with Cam while Alex and I stayed on foot.  I'm coming Sydney.

We weaved in between the trees And around boulders,  trying to avoid the thick moss as best as we could.  I became even more aware of my surroundings trying to sense anything or anyone else.  I couldn't let anyone else slip by like I almost did Sam.

Sam took a sharp turn that lead us up the mountain, and I almost thought he was trying to ditch us but disband the idea when I caught a good wif of my mates scent.  My wolf was almost completely overcome with joy, and so was I, but I wasnt about to get my hopes up just to lose her again.  I ran even faster up the hill now that I'd caught her, I wasn't letting go.

Her scent led me even higher up the hill, to I was almost at the top when her scent just stopped and a dark cave was beside me.  The group was still a ways behind me, so I decided to tread cautiously.  I slowly approached the entrance to the cave where I sniffed around before plunging in farther.  I was completely surrounded by darkness as I could feel the tiny gravel under my feet that crunched every time I took a step.  I was surprised when I reached my hand out and was met with a wall.  I felt around and there were two more walls.  This cave was so tiny I could touch one wall on opposite sides of the. cave with one hand and still feel the other.


I hoped back out of the cave just as Cameron, Sam, and Alex arrived.  I almost snapped his neck when I saw him.

"YOU LIAR!" I yelled as I thrust him against a tree.  Now livid was like a little kid saying the were only a little mad, to late to calm me down now.  "YOU SAID SHE WOULD BE HERE!"

"Well what if she moved?  I can't make her stay somewhere when I don't know where she is!" he hissed back.

I will find you Sydney, if it's the last thing I do.

Hey guys! Sorry about not updating that much anymore, I will try, but I gots to do my hw.  Sorry, I know that last line is kinda tacky but I thought it fit the situation.  I hope you really liked this chapter, there a lot more to come, so please comment, vote, enjoy!



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