Chapter 19

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Sydney's POV

You know that moment when you are so, excruciatingly furious at someone your not even sure what to do? You have all that built up anger inside your body and you don't know what to do with it? You want to punch and kick and scream, yet at the same time you just want to fall to your knees and cry your eyes out and forget the world?

I wasn't even sure what to do anymore. My entire world seemed to be thrown into chaos in only a few weeks.

Xavier had marked me. That much was sure. Once you are marked there isn't any going back. The connection you feel for each other only intensifies until you mate and after you mate.

After he detached himself from me I pushed him as far away from me as I could manage. My entire body was still tingling from the mark and I was very lightheaded. As soon as I had pushed him away I saw the pain and hurt in his eyes, as he probably saw the betrayal in mine.

I shifted into my wolf and ran from him, weaving and dodging trees and large round stones covered with moss. My destination unknown, all I needed was to be away from people for a few hours before being swarmed by hundreds of them, all with questions I wasn't sure how to answer.

I knew at some point I would have to return to my pack, as Xavier would have to return to his, but it almost didn't seem fair. We couldn't be together because of a stupid feud about god knows what. Its such an old thing we just learned to accept it and not question it, and in that process we forgot the reason for our hatred. It had become a big secret, passed down from Alpha to Alpha. I would learn when I became Alpha, well I would have.

Now that Xavier has marked me, when we fully mate, my pack will merge into his. Its too late to reject him, we can either die, I can get claimed by another male if we aren't careful, or we mate.

Honestly, I love having his mark on me.  It means I am his, and he is mine.  But even though I love him and his mark, it doesn't mean I forgive him for doing it without my permission.

Its too late now. Xavier will inherit my pack, not me. I bet he doesn't even know how much becoming my own Alpha had meant to me. But because of his selfishness, it will never be possible. I could never govern my own pack now, not with my Alpha mate looking over my shoulder, approving all my decisions.

Now since I will be mated with Xavier, I will only be a Luna, never the true leader of the pack, but the Kings escort, his arm candy, his trophy wife that was suppose to sit at home either popping out pups or sitting around doing needlepoint. Then taking care of the other pack members. The Luna that would have to stay at home diligently and wait for her mate as he is off at battle with another pack. As he fights off rouges, or deals with the punishments. Not fit for the Luna of the pack, too delicate to do anything of actual importance. That was supposedly now my new role.

As if I would actually let that happen.

I refuse to be some sheltered girl, too delicate to handle anything of any real importance. Whether Xavier liked it or not, I would rule, and fight beside him, as equals. He could chain me to a bed if he wanted, continue going down on me so I was constantly round with pups, but even that wouldnt stop me. Id be his equal if anything, and he couldn't demote me. I was his mate, always will be, forever will be, and there is no changing that now.

With a new sense of determination, I began my march back to what was our camp.

As I walked I rehearsed it all in my head. I would give Xavier the cold shoulder until he got on his knees and apologized to me, then I'd give him a good piece of my mind. I'd tell him exactly how this is going to work, we will be equals or I will never speak to him again. Maybe punch him in the stomach for marking me without my permission, that is if Sam hasn't gotten to him first.

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