Chapter 4

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I inched towards him and our lips met once again, another set of sparks erupted as I felt the butterflies floating around inside me. If only we could stay like this forever. The kiss soon intensified as I wrapped my arms around him, entangling my fingers in his short hair.

I opened my eyes to meet only darkness. How long had I slept? I reached over to my bedside table where I saw the time, it was 11:03pm. I yawned and rolled back over before realization hit me. I threw off the covers of my bed and sprinted to the bathroom where I stripped off the last of my clothes and stepped into the shower.

Shit. Shit. Shit. shit. Shit!

I hopped back out of the shower, and wrapped myself in a towel before rushing back into my room to dig around for clothes. I threw on a loose long sleeve shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and some black converse before styling my hair a little bit before I go. And just for the hell of it, I put on some mascara too.


Shit, I'm running out of time. I placed my phone on my bedside before I stuffed some pillows under my bed sheets.


Shit, shit, shit. I clicked play on the phone as to make it seem like I was sleeping, but instead, I must have clicked something else since it began to play a loud rock song. I scrambled to make it stop, dropping it in the process only making the problem bigger as I heard a knock on my door.


Shit, shit, shit! Not good.

"You okay in there Syd?" Nick asked from the other side of the door.

"Fine, fine, just a little phone trouble.." I mumbled, maybe I answered that a little to quickly. I finally made it stop and clicked okay on the sleeping me recording. I glanced at the clock one last time.


Shit! I practically flew out the window, and without checking for patrols, sprinted into the woods.

I was out of breath when I reached the waterfall, I jumped across the stones, trying to avoid falling into the cold water, until I finally made it to the other side of the creek. I checked my watch.


Where was he? I weaved in between the large pine trees until I reached the field, it was so clear, and clearly Xavier was not here. I became anxious as time wore on, and my mate still wasn't here. I began to wonder. I stared the direction he always came from. What would happen if I walked there? Would I even find him? My curiosity had got the better of me when I finally started walking.

For what seemed like forever, I walked in that direction. There was nothing. It was all just a field, that went on forever. After another few minutes had passed, I saw a shadow, it was large and I started running towards it with the hope that it was my Xavier.

As I approached I noticed more and more detail. All the hopes I had were crushed when I realized, it was an oak tree in the middle of this endless field. I strolled up to the tree, it seemed young, healthy. I placed my hand on the bark of the tree, and not even a moment later I was pinned against it being kissed thoroughly by my mate.

I immediately kissed back. He held my wrists above my head with one hand and held his hand against my waist pulling me closer to him. He deepened the kiss when a moan escaped my lips. I could feel him smirking against my lips as his tongue explored my mouth further. I didn't even notice that I was breathing heavily.

●○●Point of Edditing, (everything past this point to Chapter 21 has not been edited)●○●

We broke apart, still pressing me against the tree, he spoke "Sorry I'm late, family problems"

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