chapter 4.

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The wrong one or the right one after all?

                            ☆ Zoe's view ☆

"You're finally here, huh? We've been waiting for you for a long time, Saji!"

Her voice is trembling just like my knees, what the hell is going on?
I have so many questions, who is this, what is Gronko or Coreca and a fucking Rakshi?!

"Ehm, so apparently yes, sorry about that. Menko was only on Earth three days ago....
Or something, I don't know, I have no sense of time anymore..."

Menko made a rainy weather face and looked like she wanted to make me soundless very quickly. The red-haired elf scowled when he heard the granny. Apparently it was the superior of him and all the other guards. Uhh, he hated it...he hated it so much....

"We made the light door five whole jade years ago and sent it to earth, we had calculated that you should arrive after a week. Now here you are, five years later and Jaidylen is in an extreme critical condition."
That's not so good. A silence that could have been cut spread throughout the temple. Grandma looked unhappy and closed her eyes.

"We have lost many jade people and our lands are gray and withered. Most beings are taking it and still trying to make life normal, but the alleys and small villages are infected with anger and grief."
The situation was really not good, if it's really like grandma says, it's all pretty bad.

"You can ask all the questions you have now, after that I will tell our plan on how you will save Jaidylen from destruction." She looked at me with understanding eyes and the guards around seemed to breathe easily again.

I got three: who is she, what is the threat, and how is Jaidylen built?

"Who are you anyway?"
The guards snickered at my ignorance, but that honestly bothered me less.

"I am Sen'io, one of the elders in all of Centra. My post is to lead this entire city as chief. I created the light door from where you came here with four other people."

Oh wow... I honestly didn't expect that. Sen'io must be really strong to create a passage from creativity to reality, even with four other people. I wonder who they are.

"What's the threat? After all, I need to know what I'm going to be fighting!" 
I dreaded to think what it all might be, and why would I actually do it? Sure, it's cool to be the chosen one, but sending a human girl on there isn't the best solution either.

Zoe, I promise you highly and Hiândinlig that everything I tell you is true and we all know this information. Well, we were attacked by an organism a hundred jade years ago. A pure evil one. Its origin is the Hiândin, the sky of Jaidylen. We honestly don't know how such a catastrophe can happen. In fact, these organisms have formed a disease and then a syndrome. It has eliminated so many inhabitants in an agonizing way. Your task is to stop this syndrome, even if it seems impossible. We ask you, for the sake of Jaidylen!"

The guards looked glum, slightly distraught, as Sen'io made the threat. I was so shocked that I was silent for a few minutes after the chief finished speaking. I'm supposed to fight an evil organism, a fucking syndrome?! What the heck! Is that even possible!!!

"Okayyyy... fine... I'll do that... there I have one teeny tiny question... where do I even go and how is Jaidylen structured?"

"I'm afraid I don't know that question. The syndrome can originate anywhere, so you should travel to all 4 regions. For that you have Menko, she will help you teach the cultures and creatures in those regions. For this you will receive a map, the necessary equipment and food. A license that will allow you to travel to the regions as Saji will be given to you by Gorun the Chief Guardian.
May Dareira stand by you, Saji!"

She indicated that she had said all she knew and the guards bowed one last time. The guards led me into a large and wide hall that looked like it came straight out of a fantasy game. I kind of find myself in one of those, too.

The red-haired head guard came up to me and gave me a beige piece of paper with lots of characters on it. The best part was that I knew his name, Gorun. Not what I would have expected but also good.

"I think I need to introduce myself, I am Gorun Eros and the leader of the troop Aru ll. I know our meeting was not the best, but I hope we can cooperate in the future!" His expression was serious and closed, as if he didn't mean it. But I bowed deeply to him and smiled broadly.

He was visibly confused and looked at me with a dismissive expression. General Gorun disappeared behind his assigned men and women and barked orders to them. Hmm, apparently politeness is overrated here in these lands. I'll have to put that in my head!

Loud commotion erupted as Sen'io left the room and the guards stared at me. A friendly guard handed me my luggage and map and explained how it even worked after I asked stupidly.

"These elves... no respect for a forest spirit, man-man..." hissed Menko as a guard tried to pet her.
Apparently, they've never seen a ghost before according to my assumption. Which sounds pretty weird, seeing how much this world is filled with creatures. All this information that a disease, a syndrome, wants to destroy Jaidylen and has almost done so is quite depressing.

I'm honestly a little scared, because if I, a mortal human girl, am supposed to stop a centuries-old syndrome, that's supposed to mean something, right? Isn't that a red flag?

I looked at the map and could locate 4 major regions and their capitals. In the north was Aquatas with the floating water city Aquatan and huge mountains, in the east Aeros with Teuton and Hirakin, in the south the land of Gronko with the city Ignor and the many zones and in the west Terran and the Jade Forest. Interesting... This is clearly taking too long! If I'm gone that long, Dad will be worried sick!

"Hey!!! Sen'io!!! How long does the whole defeating nasty organism thing take? I need to get back to Earth to my dad fast!"

The guards looked around at me and whispered something, there was no sign of Sen'io, so I figured I'd never see my dad again. That's great!

"Don't worry, our time is different from yours, you'll see. We have to go now though and commit to our journey!"
Menko said as she sat down with me.

"Where do we even start? We can't go to all the countries at once it's not even physically possible!"

"We'll have to look around and ask for the best route, while we're at it I'll explain how we can break through the walls!"

"Walls?" While we were packing up our things, Menko ran out to the big door. I waved at Gorun, who scowled.

"Do you actually know why Gorun is not friendly to you?"
"You insulted the hell out of him..." I looked back in amazement at the red-haired grouch who was watching me out of the corner of his eye and audibly gasped.

"Why didn't you tell me that in the first place!" I hissed to Menko as we stood at the plateau of the entrance. I shouldered my former camping backpack with map, compass and equipment and looked around the town. This is probably where we will stay for a bit longer, then start our journey through the 4 countries.

"How did I offend Gorun Eros anyway?" The wind blows and the elves and creatures continue their daily tasks of life. "You bowed very low as Saji. This is an insult to the elves, as this action implements that the lower you go, the higher you are."


"Good, this is where our journey begins!" Menko tried to distract me but it was too late
"Let's get a capful of sleep first and then we'll ask around okay Zoe?"

"Yes..haa...." I whimpered as I contemplate my life choices. I was just trying to be nice!!!

Maybe I'm the wrong one after all if I'm already making mistakes. This is off to a good start! Jaidylene's rescue, here we go!

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