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Is she okay? Is she hungry? Is she sleeping well? Is she having bad dreams? Are her blankets warm enough? Is she feeling cold? Is she thirsty?

Kai looked at the blueprints sent to him of the new mall that was about to be built, the draft displayed before him to approve or reject. Yet all he could do was think of her.


Should I go over there? Does she need me? Is she okay?

He'd asked her twice. Once the first time when he saw her today and a second when she was done showering. Both times, Billie had confirmed that she was okay. But he couldn't stop pestering himself about it. About whether or not she truly was fine. He didn't want to be here, in this room, by this desk, on this chair. He wanted to be next to her, arms wrapped around her, body against hers.

What if she's hungry? What if she's crying? What if she needs me?

He leaned back against his chair and groaned in heavy frustration. Does Billie really need him, Kai started to wonder, or does he need her? Would it be for her benefit or his own if he went to check up on her? Was she the one that needed his presence or was he in need of reassurance that she was okay? That she wasn't going anywhere anything soon. That her mental state and emotional state were as good as her physical one. She wasn't leaving him. She was disassociating. She was present.

But she wasn't. When they were eating dinner, she wasn't. She was far off somewhere else. Not once did she glance his way. Not once did she smile at him the way that she used to. Or glare at him in feigned annoyance. Or smack his chest. She was gone, detached, and it made him shatter little by little to think he would have her physically there, but lose her soul completely.

Kai had his hands gripping his hair when a soft knock echoed in the room. He sat upright when Billie walked in. She was dressed in a blue camisole and cotton shorts that challenged her skin tone and won significantly. Kai had to draw out a breath so as to not let his thoughts wander off too far up the gutter. She had just been abducted, for the sake of Christ, he needed to get a hold of himself.

“I couldn't sleep.”

He ignored the luscious rasp in her voice and replied, “Come here” as gently as he could. With much effort, he held back the wild beastly base tone that often possessed his voice when in the presence of  significantly exposed woman parts. Woman parts of a woman whom he found intriguing.

Billie followed his command, closing the door and heading inside. She rounded his desk and allowed him to pull her into his lap. Her soft thighs pressed against his, back to his chest while her lovely vanilla lotion and coconut shampoo mixed together and obscured his sanity. Kai wrapped one arm around her waist while the other rested on the laptop he was busy with. He closes in on her, kissing her neck while trying to smell her skin as subtly as he could.

It was addictive, the way the girl smelt. Kai believed that even if another woman would buy the same products she did and use them daily, they would never come to smell like her, even if they tried. There was something beneath her skin, this natural element that gave her her scent that only she had. Everything about her was different and unique. Everything about her made him curious and all the more enamored.

“I was just looking at the blueprints for the mall,” he said while he tapped on the keyboard until he found them and clicked on the folder. “Tell  me what you think.”

Kai watched her as Billie stared at the screen, brooding. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and nibbled on it. Kai resisted a groan, along with many other things he wanted to do to her when he caught the action. Finally, drawing him out of his daze, the girl said, “I thought it would be a little bigger.”

Billie Bossa NovaWhere stories live. Discover now