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The next day started much like the last. Cold and lonely. There was no comfort in the idea of seeing Finnick, and the strange and foreign comfort of his kisses had been taken away before it even had time to flourish. The early hours of the morning passed in full monotony. I found myself looking forward to the interview as at least I would see his beautiful face. The morning turned into the afternoon, which, by means of the sea, turned into the evening fairly swiftly. Soon, seven thirty rolled around, and the television set was on once again, as Caesar warmed up the crowd with some tacky jokes, before calling in the district one male for his interview. I. Couldn't. Care. Less.
The only interview I was worried about was Finnick's.
'And now, the interview I am positive you've all been waiting for. He's been here for three days and he's already the heartthrob of the Capitol. The district four male tribute: Finnick Odair!'
He walked onto the stage with purpose, wearing a smart white shirt with the top two buttons undone, and a sharp pair of black trousers. It was simple, yet clearly designed to make him look as sexy as possible.
'My word Finnick you look wonderful! I'm sure you must already know how besotted the Capitol are with you. How do you feel about that?'
'We'll to tell you the truth, I find it a little strange! I'm fourteen guys!!! No, but seriously, I think it's sweet! They're placing their hopes on a dead man.'
'Oh don't say that, you tease! I'm sure you'll attract many sponsors. Talking of attraction, is there anyone special in your life already? Should the residents here be worried about competitors?'
'Ha, I should think so. There's one person in my life who means more to me than anyone, but that's all you'll get out of me Caesar. I keep that secret deeper than the waters of home!'
'Oo some intrigue' said Caesar, turning to the audience in mock shock. 'We'll have to keep our eye on this one, so he doesn't slip away from us. Ok, final question. Do you think you have what it takes to win the hunger games?'
'I have to. If I don't, it'll kill her.' He said, looking directly at the camera in a moment of weakness. He quickly covered it up by winking, sending the crowd into fits.
'Thank you Mister Odair. We certainly all wish you the best of luck.'
As he walked off, he looked directly back at the camera with such a gentle gaze I could have sworn it was meant for me. I missed him so much it actually ached, and I was nervously anticipating the score he would receive two days later.


As I sat, waiting for Finnick's score, I was painfully aware that today was the last day before the games began. No matter what had happened on the previous days, it was clear that Finnick could easily die on the first day - even the first few seconds of being dropped into that arena.
Then his photo came up, with a score of ten. That was amazing, and thankfully not the highest, so he wasn't marked out as a target. The highest scorers were of course the district one tributes, and the boy from seven, who all received elevens.
I couldn't believe this was actually happening.
As I lay in bed that night, I imagined my head on his shoulder, as he sung the lullaby to me to calm me into sleep. I pictured his lips gently brushing against the top of my head, and moving to my own lips, kissing me again. I imagined running my fingers in his ruffled bronze hair, and down his muscular arms as he kissed me again. I held my pillow like it was him and I was safe in his arms and he was safe in mine. Yet, it was just a pillow, and the next day, for all I knew, he was going to face death.

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