⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Night on the train. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

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'Always.' I said, leaning down and gently brushing my lips against his in a kiss, to prove just how 'there for him' I was.
As he looked at me, I could tell what he needed. It was everything I wanted.
He sat up next to me in the bed, and held my face in his hands as he kissed me. He started slowly, with our lips barely touching, but soon his tongue wove its way into my mouth, as we began to kiss more passionately than we ever had before. It was magical, and everything I had dreamed it would be. It didn't feel awkward in any way. Instead, it felt like I was finally acknowledging a part of me that I had buried for years.
He pulled away, and I was overcome with worry that I had done something wrong.
'Annie?' He asked, looking into my eyes.
'Yes?' I replied in a shaky voice.
'I've spent the last two years of my life passed between members of the Capitol, as someone who was only there as a pretty face for them to have sex with. I've never been loved, and never been in love, except by and with... you. What they did to me has done... irreparable damage, and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to have a normal experience of sex, but one thing I am sure of, is that if I try to with anyone, it'll be you, if you'll take me back?' He asked, actually seeming nervous for once.
'Take you? You're acting like I control you, or you're something to buy! Finnick, if this happens for us, I don't want it to be like an interaction you have with Snow. This is for us, not him.'
He nodded, and leant towards me. He paused, and looked at my eyes, smiling. Then, he brushed a strand of hair away from my face, and kissed me. It was slow and tender yet full of desire and passion. Finnick was, unfortunately, far more experienced with this sort of thing than I was, so I expected him to take the lead. Looking back, I realise his initial reluctance to do so was most likely due to his experiences in the Capitol.
We went from sitting up, to lying down, as we kissed, holding each other close.
'Annie wait.' He said in a strangled gasp. He got up, and crossed to the dresser, where he pulled out two pills, one green and one yellow.
'Wait a minute!' I whispered to him, 'what do those do?'
He held up the green pill. 'This one's a short term contraceptive that I always take before... my Capitol visitors arrive. It's one hundred percent effective.' He popped it into his mouth and swallowed it.
'And the yellow one?'
'That's uh... a lot more embarrassing. Well you know I don't enjoy my time with the people of the Capitol, so I always have to take this pill to make sure I'm... able to satisfy them.'
The pity I felt was immeasurable.
'Finnick, how about you don't take that pill this time? I'd rather nothing happened at all than we slept together but you only enjoyed it because of some stupid pill.'
'But what if I can't-'
'Then you can't, ok? Look, I may not know much about this, but I at least have a vague idea of how I can please you, ok?'
'Please... me?' Finnick said, putting the pills back and sitting beside me again.
'Finnick, you don't mean to tell me that in your entire time in the Capitol, you've only been asked to make other people feel pleasure?'
'What else would I do? I was never realistically going to enjoy it! Anyway it wasn't all bad. Sometimes if I got a good review from a customer, Snow would allow me to not take the black pill!'
'What did that do?'
'Well the black pill was like a more enhanced version of the green pill, in that it stopped me from having any form of release at all. But if I didn't take it, I could have a release of my own! Of course, I'd never finish in the presence of a client - thankfully I'd always do it after, on my own. It was some respite from the usual pain. The best times were when I took just the yellow and green pills. I think I had two nights when that happened!'
'Finnick, do you mean to say that in the last two years of your... service to the Capitol, you've only been allowed to cum... twice?'
'Isn't that normal? I was told it was unhealthy to ever do it. Of course, my clients were perfectly fine to, which I have to admit I found... strange. I mean, sometimes it happened in my sleep, and then Snow would get me a particularly aggressive lover as my punishment. Will it be different with you?'
I was overcome by an urge to show Finnick just how amazing this could be.
'Ok, I'm about to do some things that are actually very normal, but you won't think they are, because you've never been treated in the right way, ok? Just, trust me.'
This time, as I kissed him, I began by running my hands through his hair, and down his muscular arms, stroking up and down. I kissed along his jawline and down his neck, and I smiled as I felt him shiver with excitement.
'Annie' he gasped. All this was so foreign to him.
As I continued to kiss him, I moved my hand down from his arm, and down his stomach, settling at his crotch. I opened my eyes, and saw his face out of the corner of my eye; his eyes were shut and his lips were slightly parted as I moved my hand around over his loose trousers, trying to work out what felt best. It was clear he was loving it, but it was taking him a while to get hard, definitely because his body wasn't used to doing this sort of thing without pills. I decided to help the process along a little, so I leant towards Finnick's ear and asked him to take off my dress. He blinked at me, before smiling, and did so with tremendous care, pulling the fabric gently over my head until I was left in just my bra and panties. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me towards him, and kissed me, as I continued to rub his crotch over his trousers.
'What do you want me to do?' I asked.
He was clearly shocked. I imagined he usually asked that question.
'Um... can you do that but... without my trousers or... anything else?'
I nodded, and slowly pulled down his trousers and boxers, whilst still staring into his eyes, smiling at him as we carried on kissing. I began to look down, but Finnick tilted my head up to stop me from looking.
'In the Capitol... they tried to operate on me. They said 'it' was close to Capitol standard, impressively so for a natural one, but it needed a little improvement. I refused to allow them to disfigure me. That was the day they killed My Father. Thing is... if it isn't up to standard, I don't want to... disappoint you. I've had complaints in the past.'
'That was Capitol standard. And I love you, so stop worrying.' I reassured him.
As I looked, I struggled to think how high the Capitol standard must have been set. Finnick was impressively large, I'd guess about seven inches, (not that I had any reference other than the medicinal books at the library) but perfect. I kissed him again to show that I thought his body was beautiful, before wrapping my hand around his cock, and stroking up and down. He was now fully hard, and amazed at how much pleasure he was getting from the experience. As my pace increased, he moaned my name, and kissed me deeply. Struggling through the immense pleasure he was feeling, he began to unclasp my bra, and pull down my panties. My breasts weren't exactly large, but what with the look on Finnick's face and his exclamation of 'wow' I could tell he liked them. I continued to run my hand up and down his cock, eliciting a mass of low moans from him that sent electric shocks down my spine. Suddenly, I felt his finger on my clit. Two years of pleasing others had clearly taught him how to find it instantly. He began making a circular motion with his finger, and I had to slow my hand's pace down, as I began to lose concentration because of the pleasure.
'Finnick' I murmured, and he laughed with joy and kissed me in the crook of my neck at my use of his name.
He began to position himself above me, with his cock poised above my dripping wet entrance.
'Wait, are you a virgin? What am I saying, I know you are. Ok, I'm going to kiss you as I do this. If it hurts too much, just tap me on the back and I'll stop immediately, ok?'
I nodded, and he kissed me as the tip of his cock began to slide into me. I was so wet that, at first, it was seamless. Then, as he moved further in, a searing pain filled my lower body. I cried out into Finnick's mouth, and he moved his tongue further into my mouth, distracting me.
'Just go all the way in one movement' I said. I got a feeling it would be easier.
He snapped his hips forwards and tears sprung into my eyes with the pain. He sat up, buried in me, and wiped the tear streaks away from my face , giving me a moment to accommodate to his size.
'Ready?' He asked. I nodded.
He began to move in an out of me, slowly at first, before gradually increasing his pace. The pleasure was immense, and because he was hitting a fantastic spot inside me, I felt the knot of an orgasm slowly building in the pit of my stomach.
'God Annie this feels so fucking good'
Finally, moaning his name and shaking, I climaxed, clenching around his cock. He made to pull out, having satisfied me, as that seemed to be the usual procedure for him - fulfil the needs of his clients and leave. But I held him closer to me, and, although tired, began to move my hips up to meet his, faster and faster. I stared up at him, and he down at me. There was pleasure in his eyes, yes, but also something else. Love.
He released a series of moans as he drew near the edge of his own orgasm. He began to move his hips as well, so now he was thrusting deeper into me. I felt him shudder slightly, and give out a low, guttural moan as he released his load into me. He shot rope after rope of pent up cum, and his whole body shook with the force of his orgasm. After what seemed like minutes, he collapsed on top of me, exhausted, but, for the first time, totally satisfied. I left momentarily to freshen up in the bathroom, and came back to find him a little more awake, and wondering where I was. As I came out of the bathroom, he leapt up, still naked, and in a moment of humiliation, went to cover himself with a sheet. I giggled.
'It's a little late for that, don't you think?'
He joined my laughter as we both collapsed onto the bed.
'I'm sorry I didn't really know what I was doing Annie. I'm not used to receiving the actual pleasure. I promise next time I'll have more confidence.'
'Don't apologise! Anyway... I look forward to it.'
Later, in each other's arms, he looked into my eyes as he said 'My Annie. One day, we may be free. When that day comes, I want it to mark the beginning of my eternity with you.'
That was if I ever made it out of that arena.
Moments later, we were both asleep.

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