Bey pov
*3 weeks later*
It's been 3 weeks since the car accident & there still hasn't been a trace of who it could've been that hit us. There's been hints here & there but other than that nothing has really shown any sign of who it could've been. Carol moved down here like 2 weeks ago for whatever reason.

Nicki has been doing great tho. She's not in any more pain. She's been tryna get in touch with her mom but it goes straight to voicemail. She acts like it doesn't bother her but deep down I know it does.

Kaizen is almost 5 months now & he's getting so big. Blue is still the same. Solange calls her our boss baby.

"Baby look at this." Nicki said showing me something on her computer. She looked like a lil nerd with her glasses on.

It was a video she had took before the crash. It showed a grey Nissan Altima. "That car looks familiar." I said. "Maybe we can show this to the police." She suggested as I shook my head.

"I don't need any polices getting involved in this anymore. Last time they didn't do anything." I said. "But they said they was looking." She said. "They ain't looking for a fuck ass thing." I said as she sighed. "Okay Beyonce." She said. "Just let me handle this & send me that video. It's gonna come in handy." I said as she nodded.

Once she sent me the video I changed to all black. "Where you going?" She asked. "I'm a celebrity I can't be seen going to a warehouse." I said as she shrugged & nodded.

I set up a warehouse a long time ago when I was younger. Before I met Nicki & start singing, I was a trouble maker. I got kicked out at 17 by my father bc he claimed I wanted to "grown" so bad. So I eventually started doing drugs & shit like that. So by the age of 18, I had enough money to by my own place instead of living with Kelly & her family.

Nicki already knows about my past so it's nothing new to her. "Just be careful okay." She said. "I'm always careful." I said as she shook her head. "I'm serious Bey. Don't do anything stupid." She said as I sighed. "I can't make no promises Nic. If I find out some sneaky shit going on then Ima flash out." I said grabbing my black mask. "Just call me if something goes down. I love you so much." She said kissing me. "I love you way more." I said as she pulled away.

I checked on the kids before I left. It was late so I knew they were sleep but I still kissed their forehead & left.

I drove to my warehouse. Nicki & I deactivated all our social media accounts so no one really knows what's going on.

"Oh shit here come Beyoncé." I heard one of my workers say. I heard running & before I got into the main room everyone was pretending to be doing something.

"So this what we doing now? I can't leave y'all asses to do anything. Y'all was supposed to be getting information on who tf did that to my wife & my car." I said.

"Well Bey we was looking but nothing was coming up." One of my workers said. "Okay well since y'all can't do nothing else, can one of y'all look at this video & tell me if you know someone with a car like this?" I said pulling up the video.

"It looks familiar." Dre said. "No shit Dre." I said. "Y'all niggas ain't no help. I can't be seen doing shit like this man." I said getting frustrated.

Soon as someone was about to say something Nicki called. "Hello?" I asked annoyed. "You okay?" She asked as I giggled a little. "Yes baby I'm fine. I'm just a little annoyed bc these niggas ain't doing their job right." I said. "Well I was just checking bc I felt a paranoid wave. Oh & I saw this note when I went in the garage." She said as I frowned. "What it said?" I asked.

"Hold on. Okay it says, next time I'll make sure you not live." She said. "That's all?" I asked. "Yeah. Oh wait it has a initial on it." She said. "What's the initial Nicki?" I asked a getting a little annoyed with her. "It's really small writing but it looks like a c." She said. "Ima call you back. Make sure you keep that note. Don't throw it away." I said. "Okay, I love you." She said. "I love you more baby." I said hanging up.

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