Chapter 12 - Tea and Troubles

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⚠️Disclaimer, in this chapter there are talks off eating disorders, psych wards, self harm and other mental health struggles. May not be suitable for some readers. ⚠️

This chapter was inspired by the song 'I think he knows' from Taylor swift. (Nick and Charlie are so Lover coded.) ❤️

Charlie Pov - a couple days after last chapter

I had a great childhood, parents who raised me and amazing siblings. I had Nick and all in all I'm glad I was raised with the values I was. But I still had some issues with my mental health, no matter how good the environment you're in is, you can still struggle. So I was admitted to the psych ward at 15. I got diagnosed with anorexia, OCD and depression.

Over the years I got happier and my mental health improved gradually. I still am required to have annual sessions with a therapist as a former inpatient and today is one of those days (a/n, idk if this happened irl but just pretend). Today before my session I'm seeing my old school friends for brunch. We've kept in touch for over 20 years and still meet up regularly to see one another. The kids are staying with Nick's mother to give us some freedom.

Today Nick and I are meeting with Tao, Elle, Aled, Tara, Darcy and Sahar. Super exciting. Like Nick and I, they have all settled into amazing lives, Tara and Darcy and are married with 6 year old twin boys, Mason and Hugo, Tao and Elle adopted a Madison when she was 6 and is now 14, Aled is still with Daniel and Sahar has been traveling with her non binary partner, August around the world. Unfortunately August won't be joining us today as they are using this time back in England to visit some family. All our friends flourished as adults and it only makes me more excited to see them.

I've just finished getting ready for today. I'm wearing a navy blue button down shirt, black jeans and I'm adding the finishing touch of a little cologne. I'm adjusting my collar when Nick pops around our bedroom doorway, he is wearing a burgundy version of my shirt and light tan khakis. Deathly handsome. The way the shirt hugs his arm muscles makes me think things I shouldn't be thinking off at 11am on a Sunday. He is simply mouth watering. And he is mine.

"Ready to go char?" He asks sweetly but with a slight chuckle, knowing what I'm thinking. His words pull me from my dirty thoughts and I nod, and he leads me out the bedroom with his hand on the small of my back. He then leans into my ear and I feel his breath on my neck, his grip tightens on my waist.

"Wait for later, baby." He speaks seductively in a low tone that makes me weak in the knees and my palms sweat.

We continue our journey to the little cafe/restaurant we are meeting everyone at. We talk about how excited we are to see everyone again and boring adult stuff. Nick pulls us into the car park and I recognize Tao and Elle's car from across the car park. Once we are parked, I wait for Nick to come around, open my door and take my hand.

"You don't need to open my door every time." I say but still grin at his treatment.

"Yes, I do Char. It's the least I could do." he says and we walk to the restaurant front.

The waiter leads us to our table and I see Tao and Elle are sitting next to one another at a large 7 seater table.

"Charlie!" Elle yelled excitedly when she saw me, she gave me a big hug and I graciously accepted it. She is wearing a floral summer dress with a denim jacket overtop and a purple crossbody bag. When Elle releases me from her arms, I hug Tao and see he is wearing a striped shirt and gray cargo pants. We sit down again and Nick orders some drinks for us two, Tara and Darcy show up and we all give them big hugs.

"Oh my goddess, it's so good to see you guys!" Tara says while hugging Elle with a

Top tere smile plastered on her face. We repeat this welcoming process until all 7 of us are sitting around the circle table. We order food and drinks and soon fall into a comfortable conversation as if we were school kids again. Except now we were adults with kids and responsibilities. Just what I needed before my session.

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