Chapter 14 - Stupid Recital

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This chapter was originally a recommendation but I can't find the comment. If this was you please message me and I'll give you credit for the idea. ❤️

Alec POV

My family is very supportive of each other. They all go to my football games and encourage Millie and I's interests. They also make us support each other. Millie comes to my football games and I go to her little ballet recitals.

Today is one of the days where I'm meant to support her and go to her mid-year ballet recital. But my best friend Noah's birthday party happens to be at the same time on Saturday. I'm praying my dads will let me go. I'd much rather go bowling with my friends than sit in a theater watching 2 year old's twirl around in tutu's on stage.

It's currently Friday night and I'm preparing to ask daddy if I can go. With the birthday invite folded in my pocket, I take a deep breath and go down stairs to find him peeling carrots at the kitchen bench for dinner. His work shirt sleeves are rolled up and an apron is around his front.

I move to sit at the bar stool across the kitchen island from him.

"Hey daddy." I ask politely. I've got to be as nice as possible and sell my case.

"Hello pumpkin." He replies and continues peeling the carrots.

"Have you finished your homework Alec?" He asks intently

"Yeah I have." I say. A big fat lie.

"Are you lying?" He questions. He can see right through me.


"Hmm...okay." He says dropping the subject

"I did have something I wanted to tell you." I say and he places down the carrot and peeler to look at me with his full attention.

"What's up?"

I go for it. "I know that we have Millie's recital tomorrow but Noah invited me to his birthday at the same time." I sputter out and hand him the paper invite from my pocket. His left eyebrow raises and he takes the paper and his brown eyes skim over the invite.

"I don't know, Alec." He sighs. "Your sister has been working for this since January and we promised we would all go."

With his words my heart breaks. I have to go to a stupid toddler ballet instead of my best friend's birthday. I will not stand for this.

"But daddy! He is my best friend!" I whine and do my best pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry pumpkin, you're going to have to miss it this year." He says and goes back to peeling.

"This isn't fair! Why do I have to go to her stupid recital?" I yell and get more bratty by the second. I'm digging myself a deeper hole and I know it.

"Because we support each other in this family." He says firmly and I shudder and his firm tone but figures my attitude can only get worse from here. So I whip out my last card.

"It's bullshit!" I yell and the anger shines in through my tone and choice of words.

"Alec Luke Nelson! You are going to the recital and that is final. I am your dad. I've made the call. End of story. Are we clear?" He says and leaves no room for discussion. His tone is stern and it makes me feel weak under his gaze.

"Yes sir." I grumble and go to walk upstairs and back to my room. He was just going to send me there anyway.

"And never use that language again. I never want to hear that agian" He adds on.

"Fuck that." I mumble under my breath

"Excuse me what was that?" He asks again. I didn't think he heard...

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