Chapter 18 - The Girlfriend Part 2

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Charlie POV

Omg the day I had. It was truly exhausting because this new author's publishing team wouldn't answer my calls or give any future plans. It was like talking to an inconsolable toddler but if that toddler was a team of middle aged men.

I'm now folding and putting away some of Millie's clothes into her bedroom drawers while she plays with her dolls on her bed so I can watch her.

Straight after work I picked her up and got started on the laundry I had been avoiding for far too long.

It's kind of nice to have it be nice and quiet around the house for once, Nick messaged me saying Alec was going to some girls house after school so they would be home later.

If I'm being honest I'm really not liking the angry, frustrated vibes in my household lately. I swear, Alec is always getting himself into trouble and arguing with Nick. And to be completely transparent, due to the constant fights, Nick had been on wits end and it shows. He has been snapping at Alec for some small things lately and I hate seeing them fight.

A part of me wants to crack and tell Nick how unreasonable he has been, but I know it's not the usual him and the stress of everything has been catching up to him .

The other part of me wants to just shut down because it feels like lately that I'm the only one doing things around here. I'm used to leaning on Nick and now that all this is happening it's like I'm on my own.

I know I'm being far too dramatic but right now I want Alec and Nick to have some well needed daddy & son bonding time. And I plan to make that happen (author foreshadowing....)

I'm still distracted by my own thoughts when I hear the car pull up into the driveway and the key turns in the door. Despite my distant brain I did register Nick's voice ring throughout the house.

"Char! We are home!"

"I'm in Millie's room babe!" I call back and continue folding one of Millie's skirts.

A minute later Alec passes down the hallway with a sad smile and a hi. His mannerisms tell me that they probably had another fight and I mentally prepare myself for dealing with it for the rest of the night.

My husband soon walks into the nursery with his work clothes messy, bags under his eyes and I feel sad just looking at how run down and stressed he is.

"Hi Daddy!" My daughter says brightly and stretches her chubby baby arms at Nick. He sweeps her into his arms and bounces her. He is good at acting all well for her but I can tell he is tired.

Soon Millie wriggles to be let down and Nick lets her run off and soon it's just us standing in her room.

"How was your day, baby?" Nick asks me and I blush at the name, that now only gets said when the kids aren't around.

"It was rough, stupid 50 year old men not reading their emails." I say

"Hahaha. Sounds Rough." Nick replies and kisses my head.

"How about you?" I ponder.

"Work was fine but I kind of have something new I need to tell you about." The tone in his voice tells me it's important.

"Yeah of course, what's up?" I say

"After school when Alec went to the girl's house, she's quite nice and her name is Sophia Campbell. I learnt on the way back that she is actually his first girlfriend." He finishes and I'm still processing. Alec is dating a girl! I want to be happy for him but my parental instincts are going in flames. Is it too soon? I know Nick said she is but is she nice? As a parent it's my job to be cautious and this is just one of those scenarios where I'm naturally unsure.

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