Chapter 32 - Birthdays and Boyfriends

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This was a request from @gdhhuf8u9b Hope you enjoy it! 😆

Alec POV

I really like Sophia Campbell. I really really really like her. I love her actually. Many people say I'm too young to understand love and maybe they are right. But parents tell their kids they love them all the time and the kids say it back? It doesn't make sense to me that you can love your family at my age but not your boyfriends and girlfriends.

But no matter what, I know with my whole head and heart that she is the most pretty, nicest, creative, kindest, caring, gorgeous, sweetest person to ever walk the planet. That is a fact. And if she gives me the chance, I will give her the world, sun, moon and all the stars.

Once again, everyone tells me these are big feelings for someone of my age but they don't understand. When you know, you know. And I know. I know because every single morning I have to pinch myself that she agreed to be with me. I look at her smile and the way she blushes, the way her hair perfectly falls or how she is always pushing her glasses up.

But I can't think about her right now as it is Millie's birthday today. A couple days ago had a party to celebrate with her friends from nursery and family. There were streamers and party games. Our older siblings came too and it was super fun. We had cake and she got so many presents.

Whilst her party was the other day, today is her real Birthday. This morning we had a special birthday breakfast with waffles and ice cream. So yummy. We are giving Millie her presents when she and Papa come back from nursery. I'm writing out her card right now and I think I did well.

To Millie

Happy Bithday. You are a gret little sistor and deserv many gifts and love. I hope you have a amazeng day. I love you.



I know my spelling isn't the best but that's okay, she can't read anyway. I seal it up into a crisp pink envelope with princesses on it. I sign it and place it next to her gift bag. I got her some little toddler painting sets that Sophia recommended and some coloring books with princesses, of course. I really hope she likes it.

Sophia has been over many times and is meant to come over in a couple mins. So she will meet Millie. Sophia usually comes over when Millie is still at nursery but she is over a little later today because she wanted to meet my little sister.

I pace around my room a little bit, I'm so nervous for them to meet but it will be fine. I'm sure. Totally. Definitely. 100%. What could go wrong?

I hear the doorbell and race downstairs. I got my cast off my leg the other day and got rid of my crutches and have been doing all the things I couldn't do with them. It still kinda hurts but I don't care.

I see her face through the tinted glass on the door and quickly swing it open. She is wearing these cute purple jeans with checkered Vans, a yellow shirt with a sunshine pattern that matches her usual deep blue glasses frame.

"You're here!" I exclaim and quickly pull her into a hug that she reciprocates.

"Of course dummy!" She laughs and I do too. She was so much more shy and timid when we first got together and has opened up so much more since then. It makes me really proud and happy to know that I can make her comfortable like that.

I lead her inside and we head up to my room.

"How was art class?" I ask her as she flops on my bed. She has art class which is why she didn't come over straight after school.

"It was good, I guess" She sighs and I frown. She loves art class, why doesn't she seem happy?

"You sound upset...did something happen?" I ask her curiously. I would hate for something to upset her.

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