Chapter 19 - Dad and Alec time

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I've had many requests to make Nick a better dad so here we are! 😆

Nick POV

Charlie has been making it very clear to me that some much needed bonding time between Alec and I is much overdue. I fully agree.

With our, what feels like, daily fights for the last few weeks and the whole Sophia/ Girlfriend argument that happened a few days ago, now that it's Saturday I plan to devote my day to Alec.

He deserves more than I can ever give him but the closest I'm getting to that today is taking him to an arcade and then I'm taking him to a rugby game. Ideally, I would have taken him to a football game as he prefers football over rugby but there wasn't any coming up. So I'm hoping a rugby game will be good enough for him.

I want to take him to all the stuff he can't do because of Millie. For example we can't really take Millie to an arcade as she hates loud noises and bright lights. And the rugby game would be too late for her and we would have to leave early for her bedtime.

Alec knows we are going out today just the 2 of us. I can tell he is skeptical and wants to know where we are going but I've kept my mouth shut, to not ruin the surprise.

I told him to dress casually and be prepared for anything. He is wearing a green and blue split colored shirt and beige shorts. He also has a sage green zip up hoodie on. I am wearing a Marvel shirt, blue shorts and bomber jacket with our rugby tickets tucked in my inner breast pocket.

We are currently saying goodbye to Charlie and Millie. From what Charlie told me, they are going to one of Millie's daycare friends' houses for a playdate.

"Have fun boys! I'll see you both later tonight" Charlie says as he hugs Alec and then gives me a hug and a small kiss.

"Bye, bye Papa." Alec responds. I kiss my baby girl goodbye and soon Alec and I are getting into the car together.

I had expected our conversations to be forced and awkward as this outing is a way to bring us closer after a fight. But thankfully there isn't much tension in the air. Alec is just naturally talking about what happened on a recent level of his car racing video game. I ask questions to show I'm interested and to keep him talking.

I can't see his face directly as he is sitting behind my seat but I subtly look through the rear view mirror at the red light and he has a smile on his face as he looks out the window. It's nice to see him smile, given he hasn't in the longest time.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"When are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"Not gonna happen. It's a surprise." I respond, keeping it in.

"Pleaseeee." he whines and kicks his feet a bit.

"Nope." I say, popping the P

"Well can you at least tell me if it's a good surprise or a bad surprise." He asks and I ponder the question and choose my next words carefully. I decided to say its a good surprise to keep him in a good mood and excited.

"It's a good surprise, hun."

"Yay!!" he says excitedly and grins. I have a follow up question.
"And when have we ever given you a bad surprise?" I ask

"You surprised me with a sister. That wasn't good." He says nonchalantly

I have to stifle a laugh from escaping but I can't so I chuckle.

"See you agree, daddy!" He exclaims

"Don't tell your papa about that." I add with a smirk


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