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Holly sit sill and look at pitaya quietly and smile a little before say something

" what your name? " hollyberry

" it pitaya why you asssk?" Pitaya look at hollyberry confused and look at they siblings

" nothing just want to ask " she smiled back at them

pitaya just look at them with the wtf face looking around see that they siblings also ignore them as well before sigh and ask holly what they want

" what would you likesss to have again ? " pitaya say annoying

" strawberry blonde " she order again . Pitaya can tell that this customer probably got to alot of bar

" fresh muddled Ssstrawberries, basssil, mint & vodka, topped with champagne is that right? " pitaya Repeat the ingredients to make sure it right

" yes that is "

Pitaya rolled they eyes a little before make the alcohol for they customer while also mumbling under they breath

( why ananas just throw they work for me!?? Tch stupid old older sibling.. )

The then give holly a order she want " enjoy customer " hollyberry just smile and take the alcohol


Golden cheese she go sit with the other after look around the bar with dark caoco cookie. But she not see hollyberry in the table as usually

" oh cmon? Where she go? " golden cheese

" i not sure she didn't even come here properly sill drinking or waiting for her drink " pure vanilla say while giggling a little

She then go sit next to white lily put her hands behind her head and sighed

" i hope she not get to drunk "

" she probably gonna make more friends "


Back to the other side, hollyberry sill sig on the same place and drink the second glass of alcohol. Also she try to take to pitaya but they just ignore her

Pitaya just look at them like what the actual f- are they doing?

" that was a good drink " she chuckled and put her chin on her palm " now can you tell me anymore about yourself?

" why you want to know " they say and look at hollyberry annoying

" just want to know~ so what your age? " hollyberry try to touch they hand and pitaya just move they own hand away

" 20 " they say

" ohhh~ we have same age " hollyberry smirk at them and pay them the price of her drink

" thank you " (thank god she finning gonna leave) pitaya think inside they head

" also " hollyberry

Hollyberry give them 100$ as a tip, pitaya just look at the money with a little shock before look at hollyberry again

" may i have your number cutie? " hollyberry

" NAH NO GET OUT " ananas shout after here the conversation and pick up the broom

Hollyberry just laughed before give pitaya a paper of her number before run away from ananas

" e-eh.. " pitaya just stand there in shock as the other customers who confused what is happening.

|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now